Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Kavanaugh?

You know him, the guy with the “punch me” face, yellow teeth, and negative charisma. Remember the Rodney Dangerfield line…I told my dentist my teeth were yellow, he said I should wear a brown tie.

Kavanaugh could go down. But, as Dan Rather would say, “don’t bet the double-wide.”

I really didn’t care one way or another during the hearings. I was sort of rooting for the Ds with Corey Booker doing his thing and the other Ds tepidly supporting him and Chairman Grassley talking to Booker like the very sound of Booker’s voice was exacerbating Grassley’s anal itch and causing him to break out in hives.

Then, enter Dr. Ford. She’s 50 years old and claims she was assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh when she was 15 and Kavanaugh was 17. Even though she’s been dribbling her story out for several weeks in contacts with Representative Eshoo of CA and Senator Diane Feinstein, also of CA, she has insisted on anonymity until four days ago, after hearings on Kavanaugh had concluded. Now, she wants to set conditions that must be satisfied before she will testify before the Committee.

What’s up with that?

We’re not talking about a scared poorly educated teenager here, Dr. Ford is a PhD from a wealthy family. Did she think she could anonymously dribble her story out after hearings had been concluded and that would be that? Did she think she would not have to face cross examination on her own credibility as Kavanaugh had? And now that her identity is known, where did she get the idea that she could set preconditions for the committee to meet before testifying? Continue Reading…….