With the events of the past few days…

Folks we have been treated to a bevy of National type news stories over the past five days that tie together most every theme in these strange times we live. To kick start things let me introduce the folks in Steubenville, Ohio because they are as some good people to blame for the tariff related hits to Mississippi’s agricultural sector:

When the Politics of Anger Prevail ~ Areza Naraghi

Is this a case of slaves turning on each other? I can see that from reading the article. Then again blaming hard working Mexicans for one’s own laziness seems to be the fashion these days. If there aren’t enough decent jobs in Ohio one naturally wonders if these whiners ever considered moving to a place like Lucedale, Mississippi, where they can work on a large farm doing back breaking labor for 10-12 hours a day outdoors since the Mexicans have it so well down here in the sweltering heat. I think I’d rather have the Mexicans since they’re not afraid of hard work.

On the other hand the modern day democrats like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and company are Wall Street tools so there really wasn’t much of a choice in 2016 for the blue collar set, lazy or not.

Moving right along I posted this yesterday to a more thoughtful Facebook discussion featuring well known local conservatives and liberals and it deserves to be highlighted again: Continue reading “With the events of the past few days…”