Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Likely War in Iran by End of September 2018

Posted on March 19, 2018

The likelihood of the US getting involved in actual combat operations against Iran by the end of September is closing in on 50% for the following reasons:

ONE. Trump needs something to get his job approval rating above 40%. War always gives a sitting president a short term boost in the polls. When we were hit on 9-11 Bush got a 40%…that’s correct…FORTY PERCENT rise in his Gallup job approval numbers. When he commenced military action against Iraq he got a 12% boost. Trump hasn’t had poll numbers above 40% since June of 2017. With low poll numbers Trump is in a difficult position to fire Mueller. A war would get Trump’s numbers up a bit…who says it has to be necessary…if it helps Trump get rid of Mueller why not? And if people die…hey, people die every day.

TWO. Any accomplishment by Obama, who left office with a 59% Gallup Job Approval, reminds Trump that Obama was an actual functioning President. Any accomplishment by Obama has to be destroyed. Why? I can’t help on that one, but I have observed that bashing Obama still gets a rise out of that 20% of the population who get apoplectic at the mere mention of Obama’s name. The Iran Deal was a magnificent accomplishment bringing the US, UK, France, Russia, Germany, and China together in a major step towards less conflict. In Trump’s head, that means it must be destroyed.

THREE. Sheldon Adelson wants a war with Iran. He didn’t give $35 Million to Trump for good government. In response to a question about how to negotiate with Iran, Adelson replied “what’s there to negotiate?” He went on to say we should nuke Iran in the desert and tell them to do what we want “or the next one is in downtown Tehran.” Adelson funds people and organizations that want a war with Iran. Adelson did not like Tillerson and he wants H.R. McMaster gone. He’s interested in slipping an Israeli born woman, Safra Catz, or John Bolton into McMaster’s job.

FOUR. Netanyahu wants and possibly needs the US to go to war in Iran. Netanyahu has a number of scandals to deal with in Israel that have brought his poll numbers down. Part of Netanyahu’s political strength in Israel is based on his perceived ability to get the US to do his bidding. He was once caught on a hot mic saying “the United States is very easy to move.” Netanyahu has always benefited domestically when he can play the “they’re out to get us” card. Nothing like a war to make him look strong…especially if he can get the United States to fight it.

FIVE. Rupert Murdoch, the Jewish Australian-born immigrant, who owns FOX, The New York Post, and the Wall Street Journal wants a war. Continue Reading……..