That was quick….

Yesterday afternoon rumors were flying that Bay Waveland School Superintendent Vikki Landry would be resigning and sure enough it came to pass:

Bay-Waveland Schools superintendent resigns without explanation ~ Cassandra Favre

Slabbed had this bit of news last night on Twitter as well:

Meantime School Board Trustee Mark Kidd of Waveland told Cassandra some whoppers implying the School Board is somehow, just now, becoming politicized.

At the end of the meeting, Kidd spoke on the events that transpired during the meeting.

“One thing about the school board is that it shouldn’t be political, but it’s getting that way,” Kidd said. “It’s a shame, really, what some of them are doing. Some of them have their own political agenda. I was really surprised what they were looking at trying to do. We’ve got really good people that work for our school district.”

From the outside looking in my impression was Trustee Bell got on fairly well with Trustee Favre right up to the point where Kidd was elected to the Board to succeed Sherry Ponder. Mr. Kidd’s arrival on the school board scene also times up pretty well to screwy things occurring like sanctioning nepotism in the Central Office and cutting classroom teachers while adding Central Office Administrators. Politics does make for some strange bedfellows.

In any event the hot political rumor is that Mr. Kidd is just using the Bay Waveland School Board as a place to pass time while he waits for the next municipal elections in Waveland. Kidd ran for Mayor last go round and lost to current Mayor Mike Smith. Prior to that Kidd was an Alderman, having beat Charles Piazza for the seat by a coin toss due to a tie vote. Piazza is the incumbent Alderman setting up a rematch should Kidd run for Waveland Alderman as expected. Waveland Municipal elections are scheduled for later this year. Continue reading “That was quick….”