
Yes, long ago I heard eye witness accounts of a certain coast legislator and another coast elected official of the opposite sex supping up in the Pine Belt on the sly. Everyone is dishing on everyone these days, especially in Harrison County.

Speaking of Harrison County, people I speak with in Jackson tell Slabbed it was Sen. Tommy Gollot that called PEER on the Harrison County Sups. I believe that assertion to be 100% accurate. Maybe he did Mr. Bennett a favor. The backstory is sure to be good whatever it is.

This I know 100%. Harrison County Board of Supervisor Attorney Tim Holleman is a stand up kind of guy. Tim did well by his client last week IMHO.

Lots has happened over the last few weeks. We need to catch up.

4 thoughts on “Ahmmm….”

  1. I am not sure where you are going with this unless you are speaking of our representatives purchasing derelict properties and then reselling them to Harrison county the next week for a large profit.
    The same thing went on with the property on the corner of Hwy 49 and Swan Road several years ago when it was purchased to build a new hospital for Gulfport. Big sums of $$ passed hands and nothing has come of it. What about the large parcel purchased from the dirt hauler/cement maker up in the Saucier area that was purchased by the county at a huge profit for the seller? Purchased as an industrial complex…ha! This is nothing new. We have sit back and watched this for years and NO ONE has done anything about it. We need to revamp our entire group of elected officials in this State.

  2. This morning’s Editorial by the Sun Herald Editorial Board is good. I just wish they would hit these ill intentioned sneaky, public officials every time they commit what I like to refer to
    as ” political incest” instead of one Editorial every 10 years on the violation of state law!
    At least we have an opening here, Doug, for a little ” grocery list” of the Tom Foolery that has a long history
    in our State.

  3. Hancock County is the nepotism Capitol of Mississippi! Philip Moran has the mosquito contract, jimmy Ladner’s daughter is BSL Attorney and Solid Waste Attorney. Jimmy and Philip getting theirs and then want to give away our tourism money to Biloxi and Gulfport. Must not be anything in it for them!

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