
Yes, long ago I heard eye witness accounts of a certain coast legislator and another coast elected official of the opposite sex supping up in the Pine Belt on the sly. Everyone is dishing on everyone these days, especially in Harrison County.

Speaking of Harrison County, people I speak with in Jackson tell Slabbed it was Sen. Tommy Gollot that called PEER on the Harrison County Sups. I believe that assertion to be 100% accurate. Maybe he did Mr. Bennett a favor. The backstory is sure to be good whatever it is.

This I know 100%. Harrison County Board of Supervisor Attorney Tim Holleman is a stand up kind of guy. Tim did well by his client last week IMHO.

Lots has happened over the last few weeks. We need to catch up.

Other Voices | Tom Callaghan: Nobody Knows Anything

Posted on January 9, 2018

About twelve years ago I was in Florida, somewhere between Tampa and Orlando, watching a golf tournament. I’m walking down the street in a little town with The New York Times under my arm. A lady about fifty, probably Jewish probably New Yorker, comes up to me and demands…”where did you get that New York Times?” I tell her and she says, “Finally. Nobody down here knows anything!”

The comment startled me at first…then I thought…BINGO!…the lady knows whereof she speaks.

In that part of the world it seemed to me the major preoccupations were putting together a dependable golf foursome, securing tee times, and getting to your favorite restaurant in time for the reduced price Early Bird Dinner. Political arguments were not welcome…too upsetting…might threaten one’s place in the foursome or the regular Dinner Group. Intellectual curiosity was viewed as odd…what possible purpose could it serve…what are you some sort of kook, or what?

I haven’t been in Florida since that trip. Applying Groucho Marx’s reasoning, I couldn’t envision myself joining a Golf Club that would let someone like me in it.

I was thinking about the Florida lady over the Christmas Season when I talked with friends in Washington and New England about our Maximum Leader.

Everybody has an opinion on Trump, along with their favorite adjectives and observations…”narcissist, totally unqualified, pathological liar, etc.” But then the conversation sort of trails off…nobody (with apologies to Tom Steyer the Hedge Fund guy who has thrown serious money at some TV ads calling for Impeachment) has a plan. Nobody has the kind of fire in their belly that it takes to lead a movement and take him down. Continue Reading…………….

Slabbed Turns Ten: You ask Slabbed, we’ll eventually answer…..

Way back almost one year ago, Slabbed received a reader comment from ‘m constatintin” on the post Hizzoner appears on WLOX This Week, Waxes Nonsensical:

m constatintin says:
January 9, 2017 at 5:33 pm

My god, tide is turning, just heard you got hammered in Miss. State court, the Canadians won and are really coming for you, guess they plan on collecting and holding you accountable ?

Judge Schmidt says you defended? Did you?
Hadn’t yet thought about all implications but at first glance the res judicata implications are great !
What about judicial interest for three years on 180,000 at 6% and cost yet to be levied for the ongoing violations of Canadian copyright at Slabbed? This is a kind of intentional tort that can’t be done away with in a bankruptcy, no?

Help us out here please, hard and complex story and facts to digest.

First I’d like to say thank you for stopping in with us M, even from a proxied IP address. I am not really commenting on this topic in favor of litigating the issues in the courtroom but since you asked I will disclose a few things.

Before I do that I need to share something from my experience as publisher of Slabbed, namely there being are three general kinds of people behind the keyboard bloviating in the media, social or otherwise:

  • Blowhards that talk a big game but couldn’t name one of the five freedoms guaranteed by the 1st Amendment. They have an opinion about everything and know jack shit about most things.
  • Those that are smart enough to understand what they do not know, understand they can learn from others and act appropriately with that knowledge. I think we have a high concentration of that kind of commenter here at Slabbed compared to other types of media, social or otherwise.  (Community sourcing rocks and so does the community.)
  • A few people that have the sack to defend those five freedoms guaranteed by our constitution, be it military against a foreign adversary or in a courtroom against domestic threats to those five freedoms, which sadly now include our current President.

With that set up M, this brawl has been going on a very long time, since 2011 in fact. I won a case of First Impressions involving the 1st Amendment. So Aaron Broussard’s business associates decided to sue me again and again and again and again so forth and so on, several of those times joining my Counsel in order to conflict them out.  Every case they filed but one has since petered out and the lawyer / mastermind behind such a litigation strategy has been put on the shelf but not before he helped his SLAPP happy buddies sue their first Mississippi Attorney, Henry Laird, for Malpractice – in New Orleans.

The gang did manage to get a copyright judgment against me personally in Canada but let’s circle that for now because Charles Leary, Vaughn Perret and Trout Point Lodge, Limited are known in legal parlance as judgment debtors and they owe me some money, bigly in fact, something they left out of the fictionalized news accounts about this fight up in Canada. And when you’re an American Citizen M, (not Canadian as you suggested) and don’t pay up on judgments and don’t cooperate with Federal court orders to appear, you get cited for contempt and of course they now owe me more money, are correctly described as contemnors and the meter is running evergreen: Continue reading “Slabbed Turns Ten: You ask Slabbed, we’ll eventually answer…..”

Mississippi Workers Comp Judge Awards Death Benefits to Michaela Hill’s Husband, A DMR Friends and Family Scandal Update

For the Walker and Shumate clans, the time spent in prison for their role in the DMR scandal is over. It took a few years but the family of the late Michaela Hill finally gets some much needed closure. Point Park explained it best in a comment that I now bump up here:

Doug good things come to those that defend justice and the truth. Sources say you will receive a late Christmas present in the New Year. Let’s hope the Hill and Sabatini families finally have some good news. Meanwhile slimy Bill Walker appears on WLOX as if nothing happened and all the while claiming he did nothing wrong. Grandchildren playing all over in the news clip. Cheap sadistic photo opp. I wonder if this creepy bast@&$ ever wonders what the grandchildren of Michaela feel like without their grandmother. I’m sure Bill will be true to his word and participate in public events. Local sources have already spotted him at baseball games malls and even a charity event. It leaves one to wonder when Bill will appear in church. Slime ball has much to be forgiven for. Perhaps he will sit next to a member of the Hill or Sabatini family and ask forgiveness for what he and Tina Schumate did to Michalea.

Below is the full 32 page decision of the Administrative Law Judge finding Ms. Hill’s suicide to be work related and awarding her late husband a death benefit of $438.68/week for the next 450 weeks (37 plus years). Those interested in Slabbed’s coverage of the DMR Scandal can click here to get all the posts including our coverage of the scandal. Continue reading “Mississippi Workers Comp Judge Awards Death Benefits to Michaela Hill’s Husband, A DMR Friends and Family Scandal Update”

Deconstructing the Denardo Payroll Fraud: A Detailed Look at the Transactions

I bring many years of experience auditing to this project and that is how I approached the Denardo payroll fraud story. Before an auditor can assess individual transactions, professional standards require gaining an understanding of the internal control environment surrounding the transaction stream. Internal controls are the policies and procedures an entity uses to conduct business, in this case being the policies and procedures Bay St Louis used to generate payroll. Auditors gain this understanding by reviewing written policies and procedures, interviewing people involved in the internal control process along with a walk-through. It makes sense because to breathe life into financial transactions it helps greatly to understand the process that creates them. I relied on interviews with two former employees that have requested anonymity who have a detailed knowledge of the City’s payroll processes dating to the time Chief Denardo took his own life and what follows is directly based on those interviews.

The first step to being able to draw a paycheck is being listed on the annual payroll ordinance and I examined those going back to the year ended September 30, 2013 and sure enough Patricia Denardo was listed as a reserve police officer without fail. With that basic step understood the payroll process at Bat St Louis consists of two major parts.

Part 1 – Departmental time keeping:
1. The Employee turns in a time sheet to their supervisor, in the case of the Bay PD that would have been the Patrol Captain.
2. After approval the time sheet was sent to the Records Clerk for entry.
3. The Chief of Police approves and sends to City Hall for payment.

Part 2 – Finance Department
1. The time is received by finance, balanced, prepared for payment and sent to the Mayor for Approval.
2. Once approved by the Mayor, the payroll is generated including a direct deposit file which sent to the bank for payment.

In the case of the paychecks that I scheduled for Patricia Denardo, no less than 5 people would have been involved in the processing. The checks and balances are such that no one person can generate a paycheck. It is why the mechanics of the fraud required collusion, or in this case collusion by silence thus the audit finding in part 1. Continue reading “Deconstructing the Denardo Payroll Fraud: A Detailed Look at the Transactions”