Pascagoula Mayor Dane Maxwell brags to local media about upcoming meeting with President Pussy Grabber

Inquiring minds want to know if Maxwell is taking his wife or young female relatives to meet with Trump up in Jackson or if they need any furniture?

I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it……I did try and fuck her. She was married………and I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture — I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look…….Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything……Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

File this one under birds of a feather…….

7 thoughts on “Pascagoula Mayor Dane Maxwell brags to local media about upcoming meeting with President Pussy Grabber”

  1. Trump is a big exaggerator……. we have all met and know these men….

    not saying he has never chased women but now is the time our country needs someone who wants to put his name in history books …

    and as long as he does not do BJs in the oval office and restores this country to its greatness I could care less what he told Bush , who was secretly tape recording Donald on the bus ( Melania actually told Donald it was a setup by NBC and the Bush family so they could tape Donald and later blackmail and sabotage Trump possibly competing against George Bush ‘s drug head son,Jeb Bush)…..Jeb Bush was selling drugs in college but was released after being caught……. Rumor has it Jeb was caught in a picture unloading drugs off of a plane involved in Sandinista drugs for guns in the 80’s

    The movie “ Barry Seal “ depicts the drug operation that George Bush was running as VP to Reagan thru CIA pilot operative, Barry Seals, to trade massive amounts of in -coming drugs to US for money and guns to fight the communist Sandinistas in South America…..

    Of course when George Bush got to be President he took care of His illegal connections i.e. drug cartel king Escobar of Columbia, sent troops to capture drug dealer/and the President of Panama and finally arranged the final good buy to Barry Seals….i.e. all in the book “The Bush Crime Family”…..

    At least Donald won’t be doing any such crimes anytime soon…..

  2. Dude, you really need to get some therapy. You’re losing it. Ask someone who cares about you. This obsessive hate of Trump is not healthy. It’s acid applied to the soul.

    1. Turns out Maxwell didn’t get a chance to ask for Santa Claus for the billion dollars but it all sure looked swell on TV.

      Keep clicking your heels together telling yourself President Pussy Grabber is Santa Claus. We’ll continue to call it like it is.

          1. It’s only a matter of time before it is revealed that the DOJ and FBI were politicized by Obama to support the campaign of Hillary….

            by first helping Hillary create a Russian dossier and then took said false dossier to the intel court resulting in all intel agencies illegally listening into all telephone/ texts and God knows what else of Trump and/or of his election campaign committee members and/or post election transition team……

            .all formulated as an “insurance policy “, as per FBI agent Storzk ‘s texts, to prevent election/ or post election destruction of Trump’s administration and/or impeachment……..

            Watergate that involved just one (1) breakin of one (1) small Democratic office and then coverup of same is like a drop in the ocean compared to above unfolding conspiracy of America’s once honorable , independent departments of Justice and FBI….. only surpassed by the all-time conspiracy, that of the assasination of President Kennedy.

            Finally, in a most self-incriminating move two weeks before Obama vacated office of President he ,by executive order, did something that had never been done before….. he declared that all 17 intel agencies could share all intel information with each other creating an infinite amount of potential leakers of illegally obtained information about the inner workings of Trump’s election campaign and post election administration; all intended to destroy his Presidency…..

            The Republican investigative committees are being stone -walled by DOJ and FBI for subpoenaed information so they are allowing Judicial Watch to sue the DOJ and FBI to slowly reveal the above facts which will probably hit the fan just before the 2018 Congressional elections….. pop the corn 🍟this is gonna be a good one💣

            1. Special FBI agent Strzok who headed the Hillery e-mails investigation, interviewed many other Hillery associates, interviewed Hillery after drafting narrative words why she should not be prosecuted and later interviewed Flynn ……

              Is also the main conspiracy man who also drafted Comey’s words why Hillary was only “careless “ but not “grossly negligent “ will soon testify before Congressional Investigative Committees and may want to explain his text to his mistress, Ms.Page ,as to what he meant by implementing an ‘insurance policy to prevent Trump from being/ continuing his Presidency which was meantioned to him in Asst FBI agent Mc Cabe’s office……..

              Popping popcorn and gots candy bars ready to watch this BS interview expecting the typical Demo refusal to answer due to current Inspector General investigation…..

              …….really need to drag these Obama hang on,SOB snowflakes out by their feet and waterboard the truth out of them

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