Please pardon the absence, which does make the heart grow fonder…

We’re having a high time visiting with Tank and setting up the rest of the month. It is good to get a break.

Meantime we have a City Councilman in Diamondhead nominating Water and Sewer Board members he was conflicted from voting upon with the nominating being read from his cell phone, ostensibly with a third party texting the fella exactly what to say. The video on Facebook was clear about that part of the last meeting being a clown show but there is more in the Inspector General Review underway at the Diamondhead Water and Sewer District, which may be why the Councilman was trying to nominate a buddy, despite being conflicted. And yes, the larger story even has an in flagrante delicto component but we already knew Diamondhead was a boiling cauldron of lust, sex and avarice.

If all this sounds like a big tease it’s because it is a tease but in order to dissect an OIG report DMR style we have to have an OIG report to dissect so we patiently wait and collect muck (and take a break).

Consider this an open thread.