3 thoughts on “”

  1. Some DMR updates. Jesus Davis has his man in the White House. Interesting irony, as Davis traveled on the state of MS taxpayers dime to attend the Republican convention to support Trump. Go ahead and try to justify that. Or maybe have your $80,000 contract investigator that sits around and eats donuts and drinks coffee all day on the taxpayers dime investigate. I have been told by reliable sources the the Chief Science Officer Lucas is bailing. Perhaps taking a job in the Trump organization draining the swamp? Her family has lots of experience with that. And Nepoleon Jamie is navigating his way to Jackson as Crooken Nose Bryant Harley’s his way to Washington. DMR left to incompetents like the Cake Eater, the Donut Eater and Reverend Spraggins. Eating their way through the seafood Mafia. After all it was the Reverend that maneuvered around Penny Bernickie, friends of the Harbor and FoFo and put the “Check Station” in Ocean Springs. Fish the Gulf Dry Gollott used his family connections with the Ocean Springs Board of Aldermen to pull this deal off as him and Wild Bill Cody go way back. And Fish the Gukf Dry used his connections with his family ties to the Cures to solidify the deal. Way to go Nicki. The Seafood Mafia won this one with the help of Nepoleon Miller and Reverend Spraggins. Again this worthless commission is trying to force the Biloxi Bay open to make a profit and sell the public tainted oysters so the seafood Mafia can make the Thanksgiving bonus bucks. I can’t wait to look these thieves of the public trust in the eyes as they move the DMR road show over here to Jackson County. Rumor has it so that Commissioner Bossarge don’t have to drive so far as he inflicts his personal retribution on the recreational fishermen. I even hear Mr. Handshoe will make an appearance. Welcome aboard Doug. This is going to be a three ring circus and I get to walk to the show.

  2. why is Council Woman McDonald’s salary being paid and approved by the Council in BSL, while she has not served nor updated her status in 7 months.

    Is this the difference in the Ruling Class and the Voting Class Citizen? I know people who have worked for the city that had illnesses. They exhausted their sick leave and other benefits then there were fund raisers for them as their salary was terminated due to lack of performance.

    If I were a Police Officer I would be pissed. They were ordered off for bereavement for Chief Denardo and denied pay due to the laws in place. I believe the same principals should be applied to elected officials.

    She has been seen all over town, even during the heat of the summer attending Pirate Day Events, eating out, driving the golf cart etc…..

    One would think a person of integrity would refuse their pay when they are being paid to serve the public and cannot or will not serve. Wendy and the Council can do better than this for the citizens.

    Shop out Public Works, Police Dept to save money but then pay their own! COME ON MAN!
    The lowest standard of the highest personnel the highest standard of the lowest worker.

  3. McDonald was not on city property, or in her official capacity as a Councilman when she was injured.
    The taxpayers should not be taking care of her financially.
    She can file against the insurance of the man who caused her injuries.
    She was hurt in the middle of the fiscal year, so I will cut her some slack there. But, if she let Council adopt the new budget with her salary and benefits knowing she is not coming back—WRONG!

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