Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars – The Clintons Again: Better Than Poking Yourself in the Eye With a Sharp Stick … But Not By Much

Published on Nov 1, 2016

The Clintons are coming again. Like a couple of huge Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloons.

They’ve been around forever. They’re totally familiar, clever opportunists … ambitious, greedy, unprincipled, and lacking a quarter ounce of political courage.

They’re also inevitable.

They’ve accumulated $100 million without either one of them having other than a government job for 30 years. They don’t pay for anything and, if all goes well November 8, they’ll become Billionaires.

Maybe then, one of them will pick up a check for something, anything, somewhere, sometime.

Like Gertrude Stein said about Oakland CA … “There’s no there there.” At least Oakland has former Jesuit Seminarian and two-time Mayor (and four-time CA Governor) Jerry Brown, Champagne Tony Lema, and Hell’s Angels Shot Caller Sonny Barger. The Clintons have ambition and the certainty that no matter how big a mess they make, they’re smart enough to talk their way out of it, and the sheeple will be with them to the end.

So far, they’ve been right.

The Clintons are the Nixon of our times … except Nixon was interesting, courageous, and a visionary in addition to being paranoid and the other things that drove him from office. The Clintons are just ambitious, ordinary, and boring.

I’m not looking forward to Election Night at all. Bill and Hillary with their rhythmic clapping. Pointing at special friends in the crowd. ($1,000,000 contributors get pointed at, $5,000,000 contributors get pointed at plus a wave and both palms pressed against the chest. That means a couple of nights in the Lincoln Bedroom and an invitation to join the Board of the Clinton Global Initiative for another couple of million … and then there’s the Hillary Library, she’s got you down for five mil there and, by the way, Chelsea needs a lift to Singapore in March, I’m sure your 727 will work fine … it never ends.)

I’m sure there’s a price for lifetime entitlement to a point, a wave, and palms to the chest … transferable of course to heirs and assigns. Continue Reading……….

Developing: Disturbing allegations of a Bay St Louis Police Brutality Incident at Hancock Medical Swirling

Rick left a comment last night that alluded to an incident involving an alleged perpetrator and a Bay Police Officer, which I am told occurred approximately 30 days ago. I contacted Council President Lonnie Falgout for confirmation but he indicated to Slabbed that he was not aware of any incidents involving a Bay PD Officer beating up a perpetrator that was handcuffed to a hospital bed. That said the chatter is coming from places that have been previously very reliable so I can’t ignore the tip.

Like the Cruising Kerfuffle which Slabbed’s commenting community solved last month, anyone that knows anything about this is welcome to share what they know in comments.