You Decide 2016: Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich

Can’t help but notice even our own Tom Callaghan has grown steadily more disenchanted with the choice between a Giant Douche (Trump) and a Turd Sandwich (Clinton). Folks it is far better to laugh than cry:

Continue reading “You Decide 2016: Giant Douche or Turd Sandwich”

Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Still Can’t Hate Trump

Published on Oct 11, 2016

A while back, I said I can’t hate Trump. Still can’t.

On Hillary, I’m having a hard time getting to where Barack Obama got with Hillary back in 2008. Remember, that is when he said to her at a debate in NH … “You’re likable enough, Hillary.”

In my opinion, Obama exaggerated. But, he’s a gentleman.

Watching the second debate, I made the following notations about Hillary: Knowledgeable; Condescending; Contrived; and Smug. About Trump: Uninformed; Disorganized; Candid; and Likable. I thought Trump made a sincere apology for his creepy tape and Hillary made an insincere (she’s a Clinton) apology about her whole e-mail saga. I couldn’t help but get the feeling it took all the discipline she could muster not to blame the mess she created on Colin Powell … like she’s been doing lo these many months.

When it comes to becoming an enthusiastic Hillary backer, I feel a little bit like how Groucho Marx must have felt when he famously said, “I would never join a club that would let someone like me in it.”

It’s way too easy to join Club Clinton. All one has to do is pretend that she has a quarter of an ounce of political courage. (She showed strength by picking herself up off of the mat after Bill’s affair with Monica Lewinsky and establishing herself as a US Senator from New York. That’s ambition. Courage involves risking your career to do the right thing.)

She certainly didn’t show political courage as Secretary of State. She avoided working on the Israel Account like the plague. You can lose your career with any courageous even-handedness in that area. Continue Reading…….

SOLVED | Eyewitnesses: Cruising Kerfuffle at the Old Town Harbor Involving Hizzoner (Updated)

Welp folks, it appears the Saturday Special did not quite cover all the screwy in Bay St Louie as reader comments have placed Mayor Fillingame involved in and leaving the scene of an accident. The issue we’re having here at Slabbed we’ve not been able to confirm the accident with the authorities. If all we had were anonymous reader comments I’d be inclined to leave the issue behind but I’ve gotten the names of a couple of eyewitnesses, names that I both recognize and trust.

At the minimum there should be a police report surface. And with all the people running around Old Town during Cruising surely someone grabbed a pic or two with their cell phone. So what we’re going to do is let the community solve this one. If you have pics or can shed any light on what happened, contact me here. Thank you.


A reader was kind enough to contact me with the skinny, including why Slabbed could never obtain official confirmation of the “accident” involving Hizzoner: An auto accident did not occur but there was a Kerfuffle. To understand what happened it is to understand how jam-packed Old Town and the Harbor gets during Cruising the Coast. Space is tight, especially for those trying to navigate Beach Blvd during the event. (The street is closed to all but the Cruisers) One of the Cruisers thought that Hizzoner clipped his classic car in a tight parking situation and there was some sort of confrontation between them but the bottom line is no auto accident occurred.

Saturday Special: It’s Still Screwy in Bay St Louie….

As a young auditor I learned very quickly that one thing governing boards dislike more than anything else is “Emergency” special called meetings. Along those lines we get a flavor from Cassandra Favre’s article on yesterday’s Bay Council emergency meeting that the Council was not very happy and for good reason. To set things up Cruising the Coast is in full swing with the Old Town section of the City jam packed with classic cars and people. If there is such a thing as a good time to call a City Council meeting, the Thursday – Saturday stretch of Cruising the Coast would be off limits yet that is exactly what the Mayor asked the Council to do, three days after a regular meeting, so the City could make its next payroll. The meeting was not streamed by Jerry Beaugez of Mayor Fillingame’s Administration as neither attended the meeting which the Mayor asked to be called. The lack of a live stream and the conspicuous absences appears to be an exercise in trying to hide the fact the City does not have enough of a general fund balance to make its first payroll of the fiscal year. Here is a snippet:

“You’re – in essence – healthy,” Bobby Culumber, of Gulfport-based CPA firm Culumber, Harvey & Associates, told council members at a workshop meeting on Thursday.

Oops, sorry folks, wrong meeting workshop. Here is a snippet from Cassandra’s story: Continue reading “Saturday Special: It’s Still Screwy in Bay St Louie….”

Early indications……

Those that saw Mike Yenni’s commercial last night understands that taking the David Vitter way out will not work as calls for his resignation grow louder by the minute.

Keep an eye on former Parish President John Young and Current Jefferson Parish Councilwoman at large Cynthia Lee-Sheng as potential replacements for Yenni.

A Blast from the Jackson County – DMR Scandal past ends up indicted for Meth Distribution

Lifers will remember Ms. Denyer’s name came up on Slabbed a time or two back when.

USA v Denyer et al

Denyer is the daughter of Ocean Springs Alderman Greg Denyer, whose name has come up here as recently as last July in comments. Here is the Sun Herald story on this matter:

Former state worker, one other face federal felony meth charges ~ Robin Fitzgerald

My instincts told me to google up Libby Denyer and sure enough the trail of bread crumbs leads to Tom Reynolds office in Ocean Springs. Reynolds’ name came up also in the DMR CIAP Scandal [see comments].

To be charged under a Bill of Information after being indicted likely indicates that a plea deal has been cut.

File this one under its incestuous out there.