2 thoughts on “”

  1. Doug,
    The Senate Bill 2545 circa 2003 MS ” Whistleblower Law” gives foundation to those willing to cooperate and disclose fraud as in this case.

    Section 3 ~71-81 provides protection from retaliation but does not offer protection from wrondoing which is further explained in {4}US Code 18.

    In all it means that as a whistleblower they had some immunity….now, they are just as guilty???? Is there a grey are where someone could “drop a dime
    or two???”.

    1. Well sure there is, the Sheriff said there were anonymous tipsters. Those people would be about home free provided they can prove it was they that anonymously tipped.

      Based on comments here from Duped, who has been very reliable, there were evidently employees that were uncooperative with the investigation by Sheriff Adams over the past two weeks. Those people have a lot to worry about.

      At DMR the Feds took the big fish and the local DA took the smaller ones (including 2 that he should not have prosecuted IMHO). I would suspect the same paradigm would apply in the Bay.

      Sight unseen and strictly based on my past experience auditing, Patricia Denardo is likely not the only ghost on the City’s payroll. With Patricia Denardo there is falsified documentary evidence but that will not throw off trained investigators specifically looking for ghosts on the payroll.

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