Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Hillary and Trump Race to the Bottom

Published on Sep 7, 2016

I was going to compare the Presidential race to a mud wrestling match, but that would be unfair to mud wrestlers, most of whom are solid citizens. So, I’ll have to defer to conservative commentator Chucky Krauthammer, who called it a “race to the bottom with the one finishing second winning”. Think about that.

Last month, I said I was for Hillary … reluctantly. Let me change reluctantly to barely. Somebody called her Nixon in a pantsuit (I love the visual). But, I’m not sure the comparison is apt. Nixon had some charm and charisma in a perverse sort of way. I’m not so sure about Hillary. I never get the feeling she believes her own BS.

The fact that Hillary hasn’t put Trump away is ridiculous. (One of London’s betting houses has her at a 68% likelihood to win.) Trump has done none of the things a national campaign typically does, like build a sophisticated campaign staff and put together field operations and spend money on advertising.

The fact that the race is still a race is an indication of the depth of disgust in the country at large with the “Clinton Way” … the entitlement, the deception, the money-grubbing, the conniving, the pretending to take responsibility while dodging it.

Seriously, who wants that Mickey Mouse in their living room five nights a week? Continue Reading…….