5 thoughts on “For AROD….”

  1. The Greatest of All Times…..No one comes close to singing “Dixie” like the King himself….. God rest his soul and God Bless Dixie especially in this leftist media time where the Establishment and PC dominates and the selling out of America rules the day.

    1. “Doctor” Uptight,
      You forgot your signature “Ashton O’Dwyer”. And PLEASE don’t threaten to kick my ass again, I have been living in fright since your last promise to do so.

      1. Abu boo boo:

        Ashton sends his love and kisses….

        He,he,he …..yo’ bees such a sickie bro ….but please get some Obamacare medical help before the police have to deal with you on the street cause they have little tolerance for the certified racist insane….

        Then again you could leave MILLIONS to yo’ relatives in Baltimore if you disobey police orders and they shoot you as you wave your racist gun at them.

        Peace bees with yo’ bro’ man.q

  2. I saw this story about hipster ice in the inbox earlier today.

    High-end, hand-cut ice is a must for Minnesota’s cocktail culture Welcome to the new ice age.

    Some of Minnesota Ice’s artisan chunks are available at a few metro liquor stores. On the low end, a 12-pack of the 2-by-2-inch cubes retails for $11.99. At the high end, a bag of a dozen hand-chiseled nuggets costs $24.99.

    South Lyndale Liquors carries the ice in a specialty freezer positioned next to its high-end whiskey.

    These people would line up to buy a piece of the bezzle if someone told them it was the hot tip!

    And I was thinking
    What would Elvis say about this?

    What would Frank Zappa say about this?

    What would Johnny Cash say about this?

    Then I saw a recent tweet…and now I’m wondering what they would say about this artisanal ice at the ready mix plant on a hot summer day? After they stopped laughing. Not letting it cure too fast is important.


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