Welp so much for comply and the police won’t shoot you meme

Respect my authorita!!! Image via South Park Studios
Respect my authorita!!!
Image via South Park Studios

First Philandro Castile and now Charles Kinsey:

Unarmed Black Man Was Shot By North Miami Police While Lying On The Ground – Bill Chappel, NPR

And now a prediction: Alton Sterling’s Baton Rouge PD based executioners will be indicted by a Federal Grand Jury.

MDOC scandal indictment rumors swirling around the state

Feds Bust Reddix in Chris Epps scandal – Jackson Jambalaya

Every aspect of Mississippi’s prison system was turned into a profit center by Former MDOC head Chris Epps and a bevy of corrupt politicians across the state.

I am hearing some of the indictments the Feds have promised Judge Wingate up in Jackson related to the Epps investigation that are due to be unsealed by next Monday includes some that will be unveiled in Gulfport. Indictment rumors, even those supported by a substantial amount of facts can still be unreliable so I’ll also add there could be some confusion between Epps related indictments and another, more coast centric investigation rollout such as the one involving the newly constructed Jackson County jail.

For additional background on either topic and the related speculation please see Why Hancock and Jackson County newsers should have their eye on the recent MDOC Scandal guilty plea in particular and in general the tag related to Health Assurance LLC, the Health Care Company owned by Dr. Reddix that managed to snag the local jailhouse contracts in all three coastal counties with the late Harrison County Supervisor William Martin committing suicide rather than face the justice system related to his role taking bribes from Reddix.

If the coming Epps indictments have coastal connections as rumored, I can easily think of a couple of former elected officials in both Hancock and Jackson Counties that may have received target letters. If the indictments are Jackson County jail related, speculation centers both on a certain contractor and certain former elected officials.

As Monday draws closer the chatter is certain to gain more specificity if the rumored coastal connection to the coming Epps related indictments are accurate.