Comment bump: Walkers continue to rent out East Beach Residence despite C&D (Updated)

So reports Tommy Gordon:

I had a close encounter with an East Beach resident yesterday who told me that Scott and Trinity Walker do not care if the city approves their B&B request. They are currently renting the place out to all kinds of folks with different strokes and continue to take reservations.The will not cease and desist.This has me wondering why Mayor Moran make such a big deal about a fake KKK flyer produced by teenagers? She calls a news conference and claims this is terrorizing LGBT residents. At the meeting of the Mississippi Rising Coalition she told all that the city of Ocean Springs will not tolerate this type of activity. Why does the good mayor and other city officials not do something about the Walkers terrorizing their neighbors.Call a news conference and demand that this type of inconsiderate behavior displayed by this “local businessman” be stopped immediately. Maybe a flyer about the Walkers illegal activities could be produced. I think if someone placed in the flyer in a Ziploc bag, then placed in the driveway of Doug Myatt for he and his fiance Brandon Hall to read, just might get city hall in gear. They could even get the Mississippi Rising Coalition involved. Just some Sunday morning thoughts about some real issues that deserve immediate attention

Since this post was published I’ve gotten a fair amount of additional background, especially on the Yeti people coming to town for the Billfish Classic a few weeks ago. They had the entire property to themselves according to several readers with heightened knowledge of this subject matter. One of them sent a picture and wrote:

435 was rented in it’s entirety to the Yeti Coolers people who came to the Coast for the Billfish Tournament held a few weeks back.Not only did it include lots of folks, they also traveled in trucks and trailers mark with very large Yeti logos.They parked the vehicles in plain site for all to see.

Here is the picture:

Courtesy of a reader. | Scene at 435 East Beach during the weekend of the Billfish Classic.
Courtesy of a reader. | Scene at 435 East Beach during the weekend of the Billfish Classic.

19 thoughts on “Comment bump: Walkers continue to rent out East Beach Residence despite C&D (Updated)”

  1. If this is all true then the city should investigate immediately. If found to be true they need to throw Scotty back in jail.

    1. For some reason, beginning with her first published remarks on this topic, I got the feeling there was more going on at City Hall with this behind the scenes than the public knew. I can’t imagine the neighbors have kept this from Mayor Moran but that would be pure conjecture on my part. Some of those folks on East Beach helped make Scott Walker’s political career possible. There are all sorts of possibilities here.

      1. Douglas

        I have no doubt in my mind there may be something cooking behind closed doors. After all, isn’t that what Mississippi government is all about? Isn’t that how things are done? 😉

        You’re right. The possibilities are endless. Hehe

      2. As I said in the past the City of Ocean Springs owes the Walkers. Alderman Greg Denyer was hired at a HUGE contract fee to work at DMR the proceeded to get his grunge daughter laughing Libby hired. All the while drawing salary from PEERS and as a City Alderman. The City knew all this. And what was Mayor Morans first act when she beat Scott? She appointed him to a Ocean Springs City committee. And the Ocean Springs police have a long standing love affair with Scott. Now law too big or too small he can’t get away with. If they truly enforced the law he would already have a zoning violation. The only thing they are good at is giving tickets to the non-connected public. And you are right those neighbors are the very ones that helped him in the past. Remember Bill star out on Scott’s porch with grandson on lap and thumbed his nose at the Stacy Pickering protestors at next door neighbor Joe Cloyd’s house. Joe Cloyd and Adam Dial are currently receiving unilateral contracts from DMR and are likely joining forces with Scott to figure a way to provide a added bonus “John McKay” style fishing trip onboard the DMR purchased Boston Whaler. The Charnley House owned by the DMR, that’s right the Marine Resources owns a house two houses down from Joe Cloyd and Scott Walker are probably scheduling evening buffets for the guests, certainly not raising any objections to a code violation by Scott and ex-DMR employee Trinity Walker.

        1. Point Park

          Always full of informational goodies!!!! It’s funny how you mention that OS owes the Walkers. It’s like the key players owing Jamie Miller, Gollot and their weak ignorant leader–Phil Bryant.

        2. I was hired through the state personnel board, for a position I was completely qualified for. Please leave me out of your comments. I’ve done nothing to you or anyone else. If you want to see my tax returns proving I didn’t receive my full “salary” when I went back to college, as I have been falsely accused of as well, I have no problem sending them to you. 😉 I just want to be left out of all this commenting. I’m a single mother and I just want to raise my baby in peace. I understand everyone has right to opinions and freedom to write whatever they wish. If you think I’m a grunge laughing Libby (meaning?) that’s fine, but why do you have to post it online for me to read? I am a human with feelings. I’m politely requesting to be left out of discussions from now on. I’m truly sorry if I have done something to you personally that made you hate me.

  2. Maybe someone should contact Puh-l-ass-o? Snotty Toddy has a parole officer…does anyone know who that officer is?? He should be policing this issue. How about Pickering? Has his office been contacted concerning this injustice against the people? How about Wicker? He respresents us down here too. What has he done for the people lately?? Maybe all of these elected officials will get off of their stumps and step in and do what they were elected by the people to do….REPRESENT THEM!!! Maybe they will reinforce the statutes that were put in place by them and people like them, to treat EVERYONE fairly, equally, and adhere to laws and rules equally…even if your paw and maw have controlled Taxpayers’ monies as if it were their own. Get the lead out Public Officials!!! Do your jobs!!! And that means you too Connie!!!

  3. The Walkers have publicly stated that they were going to continue to rent their home but would not charge the renters for the stay. They would be just be their personal guests (wink,wink,nod,nod). I guess the group from Austin,Texas, who occupied the place as “guests” starting on June 8, got the good old southern hospitality for free? They were all here to promote their products at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Billfish Classic. Maybe the Walkers took some Yeti instead of money. The property owners along East Beach should demand that this matter be investigated by some independent third party or better yet attorney Jim Reeves should enlist his PI friend to get the facts and then sue the Walkers on behalf of the aggrieved homeowners. Enough of the Walkers thinking they are special people. I think it is past time the mayor is forced to act on the behalf of residents who are not announced members of the LGBTs group.

  4. Holy Moly Probation Masturbation Batman,

    I know local Code is civil and in chronic cases can sometimes become criminal but maybe just maybe spitting in the face of a civil law should be reported to Sly Walker’s probation officer so this space cadet’s rebellious, disabled young arse can be beamed up and back into the Enterprise jail for a tat bit more personal introspection.

  5. Charlene, Don’t forget, you live in Mississippi when you speak about elected officials doing their duty. 1. Do you really think they will do anything? Come on, Pickering thumbed his nose at the Sun Herald and kept all the records at bay during the DMR crisis. 2. Do you really think DMR is run any better or honest? 3. And do you think any politician will rat on another? The answer to my 3 questions is NO. And yes, something is definitely wrong with the rental dealings with Ocean Springs and the Walkers. But unless the neighbors on Front Beach make waves, the Walkers will step over the little guy like they always have done in the past.

  6. Here is a pop quiz: what was the brand name of the coolers given out full of snapper filets to the elected officials when participating in the DMR free fishing trips. A. Yeti. B. Yeti. C. Yeti. D. All the above. Only John McKay could fail this quiz. Joe Ziegler had a utility shed in his back yard built of Yeti coolers the DMR bought so many of them. Not hard to see the connection that Scott Walker and ex-DMR employee Trinty Walker are rubbing the tax paying publics noses in. Greg Denyer and Laughing Libby probably have a few themselves. Greg Denyer and the rest of the back door dealing Ocean Springs Aldermen have already made Scott a deal and Mayor Moron will kindly approve for her dear friends the Walkers. They have likely given Joe Cloyd and Adam Dial a tax break on their Porter Street Frontier Gulf Coast DMR annex building. So DUFUS HOSEman back down on the coast trying to get those state senators and representatives to stay one more day on the Deer Island Oyster Aquaculture Island. Using DMR drones to spy on anyone stealing the seafood mafias oysters. Next they will probably start mining a one mile area around the mafia’s off bottom Deer Island oyster to protect the Governors rich donors. Sounds over the top, but nothing from this back door dealing thieving crooks would surprise the public.

    1. Maybe it’s time to run up the Slabbed batsignal?

      I bet there are some customized DMR Yeti tumblers out there.

      First one to send our friendly blog operator a picture of same wins?

      Bonus points for picture of the Yeti tumbler ($40.00 for the standard 30 oz stainless steel tumbler!+ plus more for the lettering!!) in the hand of a fatcat??

      Waiting for an official Slabbed batsignal…

      1. No doubt Yeti is the premiere choice of gear among the gulf coast Elite. Most just want to look the part without actually playing it.

    2. Pp…how does Billy the boy tie in to all of this? Or is he still hiding behind F@ta$$ and Philly’s cloaks of secrecy! (Wink wink). And where is the slithering snake Joey Z holed up these days? Surely, unlike Snotty Toddy, he doesn’t show his face in public….he got off Scott free (pun intended) and he needs to run lest he gets rolled into yet more investigations. Run, Joey, run! And take your stinking brother-in-law with you for safe keeping.

  7. Callin’ Sly Walker’s Probation Officer…. Callin’ Sly Walker’s Probation officer………..

    WHERE ARE YOU ?????

    Probation Officer Sir:
    Gotts us here a chronic violation of Civil Code and no tellin’ what else. Do you Probation officers ever ask what the parolee is up to these days business wise maybees just because the parolee in Sly’s case done likes to practice corrupt Gulf coast, crony capitalism ?

    1. It’s the Probation Officer’s duty in addition to collecting parole fees and retribution funds to make sure a parolee it not engaging in further illegal activities especially in the illegal type activities the parolee was convicted of and served time for.

      Anyone on the Gold Gulf Coast gotts a nickel to done drop and calls Sly Waller’s Probation Officer bouts Sly and Gucci-Gucci’s B&B violations?

  8. The walker family has a store in there yard? You can tell that photo is cropped and there are price tags hanging on those yeti’s. They must have opened an Ace Hardware inside Walker Plantation. Can we actually see a picture of the trucks and trailers? Smoke screen

  9. Did dat Sly Walker get paid the rent fo’ 435 Bitch Drive in the value of Yetis?

    Is he runnin’ a dealer/distribution of Yetis in a residential hood?

    Is ole Sly gonna store his “cold” cash in waterproof Yeti boxes?

    Since the definition of a “Yeti” is an “abdominal snowman” it fits ole Sly character to a “T”.

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