Comment bump: Walkers continue to rent out East Beach Residence despite C&D (Updated)

So reports Tommy Gordon:

I had a close encounter with an East Beach resident yesterday who told me that Scott and Trinity Walker do not care if the city approves their B&B request. They are currently renting the place out to all kinds of folks with different strokes and continue to take reservations.The will not cease and desist.This has me wondering why Mayor Moran make such a big deal about a fake KKK flyer produced by teenagers? She calls a news conference and claims this is terrorizing LGBT residents. At the meeting of the Mississippi Rising Coalition she told all that the city of Ocean Springs will not tolerate this type of activity. Why does the good mayor and other city officials not do something about the Walkers terrorizing their neighbors.Call a news conference and demand that this type of inconsiderate behavior displayed by this “local businessman” be stopped immediately. Maybe a flyer about the Walkers illegal activities could be produced. I think if someone placed in the flyer in a Ziploc bag, then placed in the driveway of Doug Myatt for he and his fiance Brandon Hall to read, just might get city hall in gear. They could even get the Mississippi Rising Coalition involved. Just some Sunday morning thoughts about some real issues that deserve immediate attention

Since this post was published I’ve gotten a fair amount of additional background, especially on the Yeti people coming to town for the Billfish Classic a few weeks ago. They had the entire property to themselves according to several readers with heightened knowledge of this subject matter. One of them sent a picture and wrote: Continue reading “Comment bump: Walkers continue to rent out East Beach Residence despite C&D (Updated)”