Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Not Ready to Hate Trump

I can’t quite get to that “I hate Trump” spot where all sane folks are supposed to be. After all, I’m an Obama guy and have been from day one, so hating Trump should be a piece of cake, right?

It isn’t, trust me. Especially if hating Trump means I have to like Hillary, and, even worse, be on the same side as Rachel “The Queen Of Correct” Maddow and the Uber NeoCons who recognize it’s just going to be a matter of time before Trump says, “Hey, by the way, what are we getting for that $250 Billion (inflation adjusted) we’ve given Israel over the years … Let’s start giving that money to the Hispanics instead … our Hispanics … I love the Hispanics.”

So, let’s apply the wisdom of Kevin Phillips, the Nixon strategist who observed, “The secret to politics is knowing who hates who.” Applying Phillips’ Rule analysis, I find the people who really hate Trump more annoying than Trump himself. At least, so far. For our purposes, we’ll talk about annoying or disliking … not hate.

It’s not a woman thing … I promise. I could be for Amy Klobuchar in a Minnesota minute. She’s strong, good looking, and way above average. I could also be for Elizabeth Warren, who makes the liberal case about as well as anyone.

For me, Hillary grates. She never gives you the complete picture. She’s too clever by half. There’s always an “oh by the way” as the full story dribbles out. Continue Reading…….