About this Donald Trump – Hillary Clinton Presidential match-up

For right now I’ll describe it as the most intriguing electoral match-up that no one wanted to see. A Slabbed informal twitter poll indicated that close to 8 in 10 of you think the Clintons are filthy crooks and it is clear to most that Donald Trump is a P. T. Barnum type huckster whose words seldom convey a sincere thought. Hillary Clinton is consummate political insider while Trump has a lifetime track record of renting political insiders like Hillary Clinton.

The delicious ironies and sheer magnitude of the hypocrisy is amusing, especially the competing narratives about evangelical Christians and the Trump candidacy put out by some of the same political elites that previously foisted depraved reprobates like Newt Gingrich on the party faithful. Trump has expanded the GOP voter base with a message that appeals to the blue collar crowd in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio like no presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan and despite the media’s attempt to paint Trump as a misogynist the reality of the situation strongly appears to show that he views women more like Hillary’s hubby Bill as sex objects. As an added bonus the Donald’s wife even has some nudies floating about online. Its picture perfect really.

I suspect we’ll be having some fun with this race here at Slabbed until November.

Panama Papers come home to roost

There are more than a few posts that can be done exploring this major financial leak but Nunn Yabidnez provides us with a good starting point in the following:

Son of Emmett Till’s killer in Panama Papers scandal ~ Jerry Mitchell

Looting out insurance companies seems to be quite the past time down here (and here).

I thought the John Doe leaker did a great job explaining his/her motivations via manifesto which can be found here and it is well worth the read.

For those of you wondering Costa Rica was Aaron Broussard’s choice of offshore tax haven, not Panama. Stay tuned.

Guest Post: Heather Hilliard writes a book and introduces herself

Slabbed lifers should remember the story of Heather Hilliard, a story of sexual harassment out of Jefferson Parish government that would prove to be a major embarrassment for the Young Administration. In the time since settling her lawsuit against her former employer Heather has kept busy writing the first of several books. She sent the following to me earlier this week:

So. It’s been a busy few years. I give a heartfelt thanks to all of those who support the truth in general (be it in a private or public manner, as both are important). I applaud Doug’s efforts to keep conversations alive on a myriad of topics, as it is essential to accountability and I appreciate him giving me the opportunity here to say a general thank you to many people. And to let people know I haven’t “just gone away” as some may have, shall we say, hoped…

To provide some perspective, things that happen to us shape us, but outcomes depend on how we handle them. For instance, I once took a trip with my mother to Ireland, where (after a hilarious event) I was advised to leave the rear view mirror behind – literally, to put it in a box. There was also a time when I worked at a company where people would talk about other jobs as “their prior life” and focus only on the present. The storm was another life-changing experience, shifting everything known to surreal and unpredictable, forcing forward movement or you were left behind.

The recent adjustment was significant, though not nearly as profound as the three just mentioned. During the transition, I tried to live with dignity and grace, intelligence and professionalism – even if others did not. The high road always has the better view of things things to come, even if you have to hike way up a mountain to get there.

What I saw at the top of that mountain was my “next chapter” literally – I have written a book (actually, a few books). While this first one is not “the story,” it is a story about crime and mystery, set in New Orleans. It’s a novel, meaning it’s fiction – just a reminder. In this first book, Mirage, followers of Doug’s blog and twitter may be interested in themes, situations, and the make-believe world in which some make-believe people live.

It’s one of five books that I’ve set forward into publication, based on the five elements (water, fire, earth, metal and air). It also incorporates corruptible things and how crimes and mysteries in life come forward in different arenas (government, religion, economics, war and education). Learn from the past, but keep your eyes forward, ever upward.

So while this note is a thank you for previous support, it’s also a request for ongoing support in my new role as a fiction author (instead of “just” bioterrorism and that sort of thing). Publication was May 3rd and while the ebook is available everywhere and the hardbacks may be ordered on Amazon  or Barnes and Noble . I am afforded the opportunity to sell them directly at a discount to you (where you can continue supporting the Davids against the Goliaths). I will personalize and autograph a copy for you if you order through my author website .

From one adventure to the next, our attitude makes all the difference in the world. Thanks to Doug and his readers for remembering what’s important as well as true, and to everyone who takes a stand.

With gratitude,

Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Cruz-Fiorina

If Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina are the answer, what in heaven’s name is the question?

No, no, no … it’s not, who’s going to be the next President and Vice President of the United States … no way, José. That would be cruel and unusual punishment.

Cruz and Fiorina are called to a different line of work. Judging by their constant mention of, and support for, a bizarre Indiana law requiring transgender people to use the public restroom of their birth gender, they seem suited for work in this area. Perhaps they could constitute a two-person strike force of gender verification and enforcement.

Donald Trump, to his credit, has declined to join the Cruz-Fiorina team in this “Bathroom” slime pit.

The forces of the universe have conspired to bring Cruz, Fiorina, The Indiana Bathroom Law, and The Indiana Republican Primary together in a toxic conflagration which will be resolved when Indiana votes Tuesday, May 3. This could, thankfully, constitute the beginning of the end for the strange Mr. Cruz and his extraterrestrial partner, Mrs. Fiorina.

Ted Cruz is a two-trick pony. First, he’s smart. Second, he can speak. Past that, it’s ambition, deception, and creepy obnoxiousness. Continue Reading………….

Tonight’s Bay Council meeting should be a marathon session

And that was before Councilwoman Wendy McDonald was critically injured after being hit by a car. Eyewitness accounts indicated Ms. McDonald was bleeding from her ear after impact which is not a good sign. She is fighting for her life over at Ochsners. A couple of links:

UPDATE: Bay Councilwoman Wendy McDonald reportedly undergoing emergency surgery after being struck by car

Bay councilwoman hit by vehicle transported to New Orleans hospital

Tonight’s meeting agenda indicates HB1523 is again going to surface as a topic of conversation. Best I can tell the Council is divided about three ways on this one and without Councilwoman McDonald I seriously doubt we see any official action on it.

And then there is the Hizzoner factor. Stay tuned.