Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Cruz-Fiorina

If Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina are the answer, what in heaven’s name is the question?

No, no, no … it’s not, who’s going to be the next President and Vice President of the United States … no way, José. That would be cruel and unusual punishment.

Cruz and Fiorina are called to a different line of work. Judging by their constant mention of, and support for, a bizarre Indiana law requiring transgender people to use the public restroom of their birth gender, they seem suited for work in this area. Perhaps they could constitute a two-person strike force of gender verification and enforcement.

Donald Trump, to his credit, has declined to join the Cruz-Fiorina team in this “Bathroom” slime pit.

The forces of the universe have conspired to bring Cruz, Fiorina, The Indiana Bathroom Law, and The Indiana Republican Primary together in a toxic conflagration which will be resolved when Indiana votes Tuesday, May 3. This could, thankfully, constitute the beginning of the end for the strange Mr. Cruz and his extraterrestrial partner, Mrs. Fiorina.

Ted Cruz is a two-trick pony. First, he’s smart. Second, he can speak. Past that, it’s ambition, deception, and creepy obnoxiousness. Continue Reading………….

13 thoughts on “Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Cruz-Fiorina”

  1. Tom Terrific and Mighty Manfred:

    Trump the Total Outsider has won as the Cuban Debater has dropped his lit cigar out of his mouth and has bowed out !

    Up next is the question -should the donkeys stick with the Old Bag of Wind or have her indicted and show the Demos will not tolerate corruption and further go with the Total Socialist, Bernie Sanders, as its nominee who promises the world to all needy donkeys? I say yes or the young millennials supporting Bernie will cross the aisle and vote for Trump who like Bernie is against the establishment,trade deficeits and Wall Street lobbyists.

    It’s time NATO ,Japan,Germany , S.Korean, the Saudias and Israel pay up and their future fair share; the U.S. implement the same strict laws that Mexico has for illegal immigrants;that U.S. Troops with loaded weapons (that should be used to send a message) defend our southern borders against illegals ,drug smuggling and terrorists who come to collect welfare, drop off anchor babies and terrorize our country; and finally our debt be reduced via budget reduction and higher taxes for the upper 1% before the U.S. declares bankruptcy like Detroit and Puerto Rico.

    With Trump as nominee I as well as the Mighty Manfred will sleep a little better tonite but won’t get a full 8 hrs. until Trump is President and we can do away with PC BS and can finally shout out radical Islamist terrorists,wipe the ISIS basta*ds out and then kiss the Middle East goodbye.

  2. Mr. Tight, Sir…

    Once again we find ourselves stumbling into agreement. At least on the narrow question of the benefits that will accrue to our Country by Mr. Cruz not being President of it. Incidentally, I’m taking full credit for his demise.

    I am not (yet) ready to put on the Trump hat and tee-shirt. And I’m certainly not prepared to join the dozens of people standing and cheering as Hilary shouts “…deal me in”.

    Except for way underestimating Trump’s chance of being the nominee, I don’t think I’ve said much of anything critical of Trump. And, I don’t think I’ve said much about Hilary at all. I clearly have liked
    Bernie…but part of liking him assumed he couldn’t win (weird but true). Kasich was a total disappointment especially when he didn’t have the guts to compete in a neighboring state.

    One thing I like about Trump is he makes the neocons nervous. Trump won’t be putty in their hands.
    When Trump gets into the details of foreign policy a little further, he’ll notice that NATO countries like UK, France, Germany, Poland, Italy have fought and died with us in Afghanistan. It would be fair to recognize those contribitions and then ask for more money. As you now, some of our friends never
    put troops at risk for us or with us yet are first in line for handouts

    So, to make a long story shorter, as of right now, I don’t have a candidate. But, I will concede that anybody who can bring Bobby Knight , Lou Holtz, and Mike Tyson into his support group is worth a serious look.


    1. Personally, after the FBI leak that a Romanian cyber hacker being prosecuted in the U.S. has declared he hacked into Hillary’s e-mail account two times via Sidney ; its evident that Hillary is a corrupt, reckless POS and Bernie should be appointed the Demos’ only qualified presidential nominee.

      For Obama’s DOJ to protect her is criminal in itself and I hope both get what they deserve after all their Benghazi lies which plain and simple was conspired solely for Obama’s re-election.

      The Whitehouse was ( under the Bushes) and still is ( under Obama) a real House of Cards which dug America into a 19 trillion hole.

      Additionally, America currently has an oppressive federal govt which is now suing/prosecuting N.C. for a common sense state law that says every person has to use a restroom which corresponds to his/her/its birth certificate.

      Otherwise, a male who one day feels a little feminine could walk into a restroom my daughter or wife is using. And to that offensive thought on this sinko demiso day of May I say, ” No way, Jose.”

      The only way to stop this perpetual House of Cards and federal govt run by minorities and corporate greed is to call for a state national convention.Which under the U.S. constitution requires 34 states to pass certain state legislation and attend such a national convention in order to pass Congressional term limits and a national budget resolution ( approx. 10 states have already done so).

        1. Tight…

          As usual, after initial common ground we find a few things we can disagree with. In no particular…

          The Constitutional Convention will come after the revolution. Big enterprises (like countries) never act in time. Constitutional change will come after bloodshed.

          I’ll delegate solving the “Bathroom” (non) problem to Ted Cruz. He has the time and the inclination.

          I saw the Romanian guy on TV. He reminds me of “Curveball” the Bush Admin.’s sole source on weapons of mass destruction. On the Clinton server deal I rely on Gertrude Stein…”there’s no there there.” Or, stated otherwise, where is the criminal intent and illegal personal gain.?

          Concerning debt, if I could borrow 19 trillion at 2% I’d do it in a NY minute. Ever notice the out party always bellyaches about debt. I’m just say’in.


          1. Holy Hysterical Hyena Laughter, Tom Terrific:

            You commented: “On the Clinton server deal……. where is the criminal intent or the personal gain”?

            Seriously Tom I think you are intelligent enough to know the answer to your rhetorical question…

            HINT: Hillary , the gracious genie in gigantic pant suits, sends secret e-mail on her secret server to foreign country leader/s in secret code……. you pay Bill $500,000 per BS speech or dump a load of $$$$$$ into the Clinton Foundation and I as Sec of State will rub my thunder thighs and the U.S. will grant your every wish…… Signed:Hillary, your magic dragon

            If you have already concluded what you commented then why would a 100 FBI agents be actively swarming over all this ( secret server/Clinton Foundation connection) like flying termites under a street light? The question I have is what blackmail secret cards are Hillary holding over Obama’s head to protect her butt and prevent DOJ indictment?

            Finally, this Romanian’s statement claiming he hacked Hillary’s e-mails through her political advisor/friend Sidney ‘s e-mails…. was it in reality the first of many FBI leaks to come down the pike? Only time will tell as I believe there are some FBI agents who take Hillary’s arrogant statements that she ‘will definitely not be prosecuted’ to be personal insults to their professional and personal integrity; and there will be many more FBI leaks on Hillary to come.

            n server “DEAL”….. where is the criminal intent

  3. If the FBI can uncover State Dept. action tied to Bill’s speeches she’s got a real problem. I don’t think that’s been established. I trust the FBI Director, James Comey. He’ll resign rather than be part of a cover up. I also trust Obama…but that’s not news.

    Absent the ability to prove a quid pro quo she’s probably safe. Otherwise she could plead to a misdemeanor for a technical violation of something or other. That wouldn’t blow her out of the water.

  4. Tom,Tom, Tom come on……

    Bill’s $500,000 speeches and/or million dollar international donations to the Ole Clinton Foundation have already be tied to Hillary’s Sec. of State contemporaneous interactions with certain governments and that’s exactly the reason for 100 FBI agents investigating…..

    As far as trusting Obama?…. You actually believed the Benghazi video BS ?…….how about- you remember his cross his heart pledge that you could keep your doctor/ plan and the health insurance rates would be going down? Nothing but lies with rates rising 20-30% and health insurers like United Health getting out of Obamacare as they were also lied to.

    And do you know why Obamacare has failed ?…. because the young poor people black and white said why should we sign up and pay $50/month when like in La. they can walk into any emergency or state health clinic and get everything for FREE !

    Its the year of political revolution at the polls and I can’t wait till the Democratic convention cause there should be massive demonstrations equal or better than the Viet Nam days… and perhaps that will finally wipe out the Clinton family oligarchy for good just as the Bush crime family was finally terminated. All despite arrogant 80+ yr. old Barbara Bush in her walker pushing along snow filled sidewalks campaigning to put another Bush crime family member in the Whitehouse.

    Bush 41′ would have probably parachuted into the New England election area for Jeb this year but the book, “Jeb!and the Bush Crime Family” was published and he probably feared the parachute packing company would have done him in. The Republicans with grass roots Trump have successfully caused the Bushes, Romney and Mc Cain to state they will not be attending the Republican Convention… hope Carl Rove and Dick Cheney stays home too.

    Peace to you and the Mighty Manfred.

    1. “…Benghazi video BS…”

      Has FOX, which has hammered this area for years, ever shown the video? I don’t think so.

      There’s a difference between causing something and exacerbating an explosive situation. I was in Washington, when MLK was killed. The ensuing violence was “caused” by the perpetrators. Its difficult to argue that the events were unconnected.

      You probably have better connections to FOX and the Trump Campaign than I do. Maybe you can get them both to show the video as a way of establishing there is no possible connection to its release right before the Benghazi attack and the attack.

      Poor Romney tried to mine this area in the third debate…it didn’t work out so well. He neglected to read the transcript of the President’s Statement the day after the attack where, you will recall, Obama called the attacks “acts of terror.”


      PS: As LBJ would say, that Benghazi dog “won’t hunt”.

  5. As soon as Cruz picked Fiorina as a running mate his polls immediately dropped 10% IMHO. She was a poor choice, weak, a bitch and never had a chance of becoming President in the first place. This was a last ditch effort by Cruz to seal the vote and offer the appearance of being the modern choice all by trying to capture the female vote in America. Cruz is a political phony. He is a typical “Southern Gentleman” like Jamie Miller. The kind that will smile, look you into the eye and tell you it’s raining all while pissing on your boots……….

  6. Tom,Tom,Tom

    No news medium has ever been given an entire copy of the video and if they were they were too chicken sh*t to show it – that’s why. If a copy was available surely MSNBC would have shown it to defend their idol president. The trial of the author of the video has not even been made public probably because the author’s testimony would oppose the Obama’s administrative spin doctors like Susan Rice whose dedication to mistruths led to her appointment to the UN a so called peaceful, think tank of international liars.

    We’ve all seen the Bengazhi attack though several times and you don’t see a march/demonstration of regular citizens but men with rocket propelled and automatic weapons in an organized attack much like the organized attack that the CIA hired ex-Seals faced shortly after attack on the ambassador’s home at their compound where several experienced CIA men of fortune died despite having superior night goggles and being heavily armed.

    Hillary , if the FBI are loyal to their profession and leak truths if no federal indictment occurs , will go eventually down especially if Bernie keeps winning states and the super delegates start to get nervous about Hillary’s negativity among democratic voters.

    1. Tom, Tom, Tom we done gotts some big breakin’ lection news here son:


      Gee Tom wonders why Hilary’s IT man’s e-mails (especially to and from Hill bout settin’ up her clandestine e-mail server) done all disappeared suddenly? What’s up wit dat Tom?

      The gauntlet of justice and truth seems to bees done closin’ in on Hill’s e-mail/private server, Benghazi and the Clinton Foundation scandals. Her candidacy maybees gettin’ a little too hot and producin’ too dirty laundry fo’ her curly headed, Jewish bit*ch slave campaign manager from Fla.( dat’ Suzi Washiman) to cleans, press and sanitize.

      Bernie also gunna’ tear Hill a new a-hole tonight in WV election. And Slabbed coincidentally done just today dedicktated Hill a Beatles’ song fo’ Wild Bill to sing to da’ losin’ Hill and her brand new hemorrhoids tonite in bed: “I want You, She’s Too Heavy” (i.e.thunder thighs and butt hermetically sealed in a gaudy Gucci pants suit).

      Peace to yo’ and the Manfred.

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