Last night a couple of the commentators were hard on Laremy Tunsil

They were hard on him for throwing Coach Freeze and his staff under the bus after his phone was hacked and certain incriminating exchanges between he and the coach were posted to Instagram. In this day and age the whole thing was a made for Tee Vee moment and boy was the viewing public treated to one.

I suspect the under the table payments to players goes on in every SEC program. It certainly explains the sudden appearance of Ole Miss as a football powerhouse on the national scene. For the local recruits here on the coast, the lack of attention from Coach Freeze and Ole Miss is certainly a blessing considering where the program is headed.

8 thoughts on “Last night a couple of the commentators were hard on Laremy Tunsil”

  1. “…where the program(Rebels) is headed.”

    Program?…. program?…what program will there be left when the NCAA, red-faced with anger with a national TV audience thinking that they have not been doing their job, put Freeze’s testicles on the hot seat till they slowly sizzle and shrink down into a tiny scrotum assigned to junior high football.

    Rebel recruits should start bailing out about now and become LSU Fighting Tigers along with Mississippi high school All-American OB Myles Brennan of the Rockachaws who will be attending and achieving national QB stardom in Baton Rouge.

    Ground pounder Coach Miles will be gone by then and defensive coach Aranta will have raised the Tigers back into the top rated defense in SEC.

    Can’t wait to see an offensive sharp Rockachaw all over the big arse of a Saban defense. Oh, what pain will be inflicted upon the pachyderms.

  2. On tigerdroppings Tiger Rant has a post with Tunsil’s cellphone conversations proving Tunsil was requesting money which was evidently above the “…agreed to amount”. Therein lies the suggested premise that Tunsil wasn’t happy with the original amount promised and subsequent denial/s to his additional requests could explain why he is blowing the whistle on the Rebels.

    Are players blackmailing universities when their greed can’t be satisfied?The mo’ yo’ give dem da’ mo’ dem want.Guess a free education and chance to go pro is no longer enough.

    Seems like hackers are exposing more and more evil…..Madison,Panama Papers, SEC players’ phones….whats next ….the Chinese possessing and releasing Clinton e-mails? Or would they wait and blackmail her Presidency?

    1. Could be unexpected expenses?

      Could be poor budgeting?

      Reading a few of those texts sounds like there was some beefing from the money end of things.

      If the coaches put themselves in the penalty box by paying Tunsil (which I’m not convinced-but it seems like the NCAA will be able to make a definitive ruling if they want to investigate) then that’s what the coaches did. Tunsil didn’t cook this up without the coaches. Either the program is clean or it is not.

      Why the D1 football players don’t get a full ride and a significant stipend ($1000.00 a month) for subjecting themselves to orthopedic injuries and possible CTE while the coaches and NCAA get rich…

  3. Tunsil is obviously a member of the Nkemdiche Club. Was he not in the Buckhead Grand Hyatt hotel room when Robert “Spice Man” Nkemdiche decided to exit thru the window by breaking the glass then falling 15 feet? Based on the hacked posts of his behavior the only thing that this idiot could do to top this would be to announce that during Black Spring Break, while staying at the Walker Hoe-Tell, he smoke some weed provided by the Walkers before signing an agreement that made Scott Walker his exclusive sports agent.This group of out of control football players have done some real damage to the Ole Miss football program. Based on Scott Walker’s recent behavior he could be the perfect person to look out for their future interests.

    1. Holy Gas Mask Bong Bombs, Batman:

      Yo’ can bet yo’ sweet bippie dat da’ whole Ole Miss football team and any involved coaches, sports administrators and alumni have wiped dere cells clean…. like I mean rebooted, scrubbed, disinfected, sterilized and steam cleaned……. possibly the entire SEC sports world as well?

      Then again possibly Tom Brady could suggest a few more fail safe, extreme cellphone destructive measures…. like gasoline/ burning it, submerging it in sulfuric acid, sending it to Hillary to hold between her thunder thighs,etc…… then flipping remaining carcass into the Mighty Mississippi.

      1. Anyone heard anything on /from Rebel football Coach Frozen?

        Someone told me after the OM Athletic Director ripped him a new one, Frozen started his personal new Rebel blog called “Loose Rebel-droppings.”

        The ACLU made him clean it up though and it was renamed”Loose Black Bear-droppings.”

        And that persistent plastic, lithium odor coming from rear of the OM Athletic Dorm?

  4. Statement released on the Ole Miss response to the NCAA regarding recent NCAA allegations of Ole Miss various and assorted.Ole Miss released the notice of allegations and its response to it Friday morning, but the school isn’t ready to move forward with the case after recent news involving Laremy Tunsil.

    Ooops, that Tunsil thing was like an ill timed banana peel.

    There were 28 allegations levied against the school, and athletic director Ross Bjork and chancellor Jeffrey Vitter wrote that “we agree that a violation of NCAA rules occurred; however, for several of those allegations we do not agree on all of the facts. For five of those 27 violations, we believe the violation should be classified different,” meaning as a lower level of violation.

    I’m not a university athletic director, nor am I a university chancellor. With that out of the way, let me observe that these OleMiss bozoids apparently can’t even issue a grammatically correct press release.

    For five of those 27 violations, we believe the violation should be classified different,”

    That would have been grammatically correct as: For five of those 27 violations, we believe the violation should be classified different(ly),”

    I’ll be the first to admit that hasty posting and texting often bite, and auto correcting features and spellcheckers are probably causing more mistakes than they catch. The Ole Miss press release concerning the NCAA violations? What’s their excuse?

  5. Report: Liberty Hires Hugh Freeze, Because Of Course They Would

    “Hugh Freeze, the former Ole Miss coach who resigned a month before the 2017 college football season over some alleged improper horniness, has finally found a new job after one-and-a-half years on the shelf. As Football Scoop first reported and ESPN later confirmed, Freeze will take over the head coaching job for Liberty University, which really is the most perfect possible pairing.

    Liberty has made their name in recent years as the place that will hire any scandal-plagued dirtball. Their athletic director is former Baylor AD Ian McCaw, who oversaw Baylor during its darkest days, and they had been heavily linked to Art Briles, the disgraced ex-Bears coach from that same period. Freeze’s hire has reportedly been in the works since January, when he made his first public appearance since the scandal at Liberty.”

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