Occasionally there is a price for stepping out

Welp folks the file cabinets at City Hall may be locked up tighter than a drum but we still were able to nab the goodie shown below, which is documentary evidence of a recent City cash receipt.

The worst part about having a Hizzoner gone rogue are the otherwise good employees the rogue chief executive takes with him down the primrose path to destruction. It was not lost on those in attendance last Thursday the exact wording the State Auditor used in the performance audit report was the “Mayor and City Employees” failing to follow state statute. I imagine that having to work at City Hall right now is rather treacherous.

Source: City of Bay St Louis Public Record
Source: City of Bay St Louis Public Record

And for former employees there is not even a paycheck to go with the continuing headaches:

Photo courtesy of a reader.

The recessed continuation of last Tuesday and Thursday’s marathon meetings continues this evening at 5:30PM. It will be interesting to see if Hizzoner shows up for it.

39 thoughts on “Occasionally there is a price for stepping out”

  1. The other picture of Les’ s house shows more car’s and tag numbers reveal that Raff, Windy,Less,Koff,Catherine meeting before the meeting. Interesting. And on the check it will probably come back with NSF across it.

  2. There is no such thing as arriving too late to a Bay St. Louis City Council meeting.
    When I arrived shortly after 9:00pm tonight the Council was going over the Mayor’s vetoes and deciding which ones to override and which ones to just clean up the language on and leave in the minutes.
    Then they discussed hiring and raise freezes which I believe may be on for next Tues.
    At Public Forum Rhonda Oliver, wife of Charles Oliver, current Building Inspector, spoke about various things of concern to her such as the Council spending too much money on grass cutting, being over their budget, looking into privatizing certain departments in the city ( one which would affect her husband’s position). In so many words she accused them of what she described as I believe some “good ole boy” operations.
    Joan Coleman then took the podium to scold Lonnie Falgout for reportedly (she said it was a rumor) having lunch at Dempsey’s last week with State Auditor, Sam Atkinson, and former Mayor Eddie Favre. Mr. Falgout explained it was Eddie’s birthday and they were just meeting as friends. She insisted that this made them look really bad and they had to realize they were city officials and had to be careful how they appeared to the public.
    Mr. Falgout asked her if the rumor came from Councilwoman McDonald’s husband, Henry Winters, who was at the table right behind them, and who, Falgout said kept leaning in as if to hear what they were discussing.
    Joan also scolded them for having Mrs. Atkinson appear at a recessed meeting to give her report to them last Thursday rather than at a regular meeting so more people would have known about it.
    Then an extra agenda was presented to Council that went out for tonight with an item on it announcing the resignation of certain Councilmen. Lisa Tilley, Council Clerk, said that she did not send that out. Rumor has it, as Joan would say, that it was done by Jerry Beaugez, the assistant to the Mayor???!! Who knows? As Joan would say, it is just a rumor.
    Les having to cough up money out of his own pocket for the illegal pay raises must have really hit a nerve, as the saying goes. Hope he follows through on his commitment to pay for the Community Hall tomorrow for the Chamber of Commerce Education Committee Senior Breakfast. The facility is being tied up for two days including set up. That should be a chunk of change right on the heels of the illegal pay raise repay. But we do appreciate his generosity.
    Stay tuned.

  3. If Mr. Falgout was having lunch with OSA employee Sam Atkinson and the former mayor last week, that is most inappropriate. But what do we expect at this point? It’s all rigged. It’s just one big game. We have elected these clowns. They have given us everything we should have expected and more. That goes for all of them.

    To the person(s) who provided Slabbed with the photo copy of the current mayor’s reimbursement check for payroll to the city, we owe you a great deal of graditude. Thank you.

    1. Why is the councilman having lunch with the auditor and former Mayor inappropriate Pearl Rivers?

      1. I don’t see anything inappropriate there, as long as she paid her own way. Why is Eddie there? And though Dempsey ‘ s is a great place, Mr and Mrs Windy McDonald just happened to eat at the next table???

        1. The governmental accounting and auditing community is a fairly small universe in Mississippi. I never got to know Ms. Atkinson as she was active in MML and I did mainly K-12s. I suspect Eddie knows her from MML and/or from his tenure as Mayor interacting with the OSA. I’ve personally formed long term professional relationships in that community that last to this day so it is no surprise that Eddie would know Ms. Atkinson.

          Finally, Eddie is still a Bay guy even if he is no longer Mayor and it is clear he cares deeply for the community. I think his days as Hizzoner are over by his own choice. I don’t see him running again but anything is possible.

        1. For the record … the luncheon that has been criticized as inappropriate by some was on Friday, April 22, 2016 … the day AFTER the performance audit report was finalized and presented to the City Council on Thursday, April 21, 2016 … not that it would be anybody’s business … but then again if some worried more about the real issues, we wouldn’t even be typing these responses!

  4. Pearl River must be drinking the same cool aid Charlie drank at the mayor’s home when he crashed during cruising last year hurting all them innocent people. That was the state auditor employed by the council to give them direction how to deal with the rogue mayor and his pratices. It was stated at the meeting that Lonnie a councilman is the client. You don’t think the mayor would have invited them to look at his mess.

  5. A few of the findings by the State Auditor’s Team :
    Fact : Checks Illegally Signed , Only Signed by One Person & Signatures Don’t Seem to Match on some.
    Fact : DOJ Money was Wrongfully Spent.
    Fact : Failed Drug Test Covered Up.
    Fact : Driving City Vehichles without a Drivers Li.
    Fact : Council Not having Enough Balls to Enforce the Laws. Takes more than 4-6. lol
    Fact : This State Audit Team Confirmed ALL the Finding of the Previos Auditors.
    Fact : Les is of course denying all of this as he did with the previous auditors. Lord they know not what they are talking about!!!
    Fact : If you did not attend the meeting & want to know the Truth I would suggest listening to the tape or maybe Wendy will pass out the confidential copy. Oh , Only to les & don at his house before the meeting along with David & Katherine.
    Pearl River : My guess is that you don’t think any of this is inappropriate !!!!
    Fact : The Clown is in the drivers seat with the other two Jokes , Don & Wendy.
    Fact : This clown Has Not had a balanced budget since being elected. With all of the lies & BS he gives the council.
    Fact : Him & his yahoos , including some council members , always want to bring up the past administration , but one thing they always forget to mention is the FACT that they paid the bills , grass was cut & Taxes / Utility Rates were a whole lot lower!!
    Fact : These findings came from two three month periods. Lord help is if they went back a full year or two or six!!!
    Our of time
    Thanks , F&F

  6. Doug,

    Why do I think this lunch meeting was inappropriate?

    Because the city’s finances were under review by OSA. Considering the circumstances that have led to this review, and the questionable behavior and decision making on both the legislative and administrative side of the city, erring on the side of prudence would have been best. A former mayor whose brother happens to be on the city council (whether on friendly terms or not with Ms. Atkinson), a current councilman and the lead on the OSA review could have held off on a lunch meeting until after the findings had been presented to the public and council. The timing and location of this lunch reeks of impropriety. While it might be perfectly “legal” and nothing untoward may have taken place, it still sends the wrong message.

    I have no issue with anyone eating lunch with professional acquaintances, old friends, business partners and/or co-consipirators/collaborators anytime. Just like I have no issue with BSL’s public safety employees having lunch in Waveland. However, why would anyone think that individuals that are closely linked to a much needed and much “talked” about financial review of our city having lunch together might not call into question their motives for said lunch meeting? This is a small community not Jackson while the legislature is in session. What were they discussing? The food? The weather? Grandchildren? Johnny Manziel’s fall from grace? Fishing spots? Casino buffet specials? Gardening? Really?

    The city may still be having financial problems if Eddie were still mayor because of many things out of our control (economy), but the city would certainly not have found itself in a financial crisis that requires the intervention of OSA to help get things back on track. Eddie probably has some sage advice to pass on to everyone involved. However, the timing and location for this lunch meeting are tone deaf.

    Bay Cop,

    I do not drink anyone’s Kool-aid. Thank you, very much. Also, I don’t think for a single second that the current mayor would have invited anyone in to help shed some light on his financial mismanagement of the city’s funds. Not his style. With Lonnie being the “client” and an elected official, he should have done whatever was needed to ensure everything with this review was aboveboard and should have gone out of his way to avoid putting himself in the position that might lead to people thinking otherwise. But that’s not Lonnie’s style.


    I’m not sure what could be considered appropriate about misspent DOJ money, covering up failed drug tests, allowing city employees with suspended or no driver’s license to drive city vehicles or the council not taking action sooner under these circumstances. If anything, the findings confirm what we’ve known all along. I have zero expectation that the current mayor will do anything to change his ways. However, I am hopeful the council will finally wake up and smell the roses. They cannot give him the check book without strict oversight. Only time will tell if they are capable and will do so. Until proven otherwise, I will accept Ms. Atkinson’s comments that the administration’s employees are making great progress in turing things around.

  7. Pearl Rivers rambles on resembling David Koff and his father. David, don’t you own property in pearl river county? You better get smarter if you going up against the blogs and or the state.

    1. Obviously acting with propriety is missed on you, sir.

      I am not David Koff nor his father. I do not own property in Pearl River County. I will try to keep any future comments on this blog short and sweet. Thank you for the feedback.

  8. You know, I have a completely different take on Pearl Rivers’ suspicion of the “lunch at Dempsey’s” with Lonnie, Sam, and Eddie.
    If there were anything illegal going on, they would have resorted to Les’s rendezvous style meetings at his home where no one can see who is there and definitely not hear anything that is being said.
    I have eaten at Dempsey’s at all different times, and believe me, if you have anything to hide, that is not the place to try and hide it. Always full.
    Yeah, I think Pearl has a lot more to worry about on 10th St. than Dempsey’s. A whole lot more!!!

    1. My my! I have seemed to have caused quite the stir today! Wow! Thinking someone would be doing something on the “down low” in Hancock County, Mississippi! A place known for doing everything aboveboard! Whew! Glad this is all cleared up! I’ll sleep better tonight.

      For a group that loves to pounce on any ounce of supposed impropriety you sure are defensive today!

      Oh and Lana! I do know there are bigger things to worry about than a little lunch at Dempsey’s! But you seem to have it all covered! Thank goodness!

      Best of luck to all of those trying to straighten out all of the ills that plague BSL. PR.

  9. Pearl River
    Fact : The State Audit Report was already given to the council @ Thurs. Nights meeting.
    For you to assume wrong doing is Total BS.
    You sound like the clown & his jokers.
    You may not like what she had to say but the findings is based on FACTS & FACTS Only as She Stated !!!!!!
    This team was made up of Mrs. Atkinson , Accountants , Lawyers , Criminal Investigators.
    They confirmed what previous auditors found & more.
    You have to be a Idiot to believe Wrong Doing Here !!!!
    From what I understand the Former Mayor & Mrs. Atkinson have know ea. other for quite some time , dating back to MML days. Not sure why Dempsey’s , Maybe because they were just voted the number 2 Steak House in Ms. Maybe she wanted to try a different place around the area befor she left.
    With you on the check book & it seems the new comptroller will do fine if this clown lets her do her job & stay out of the way. As you have seen & has been proven throughout the years with this clown & his jokers is that he can’t add & subtract , Loves to Lie & Hide.
    Smooth Talker he is , Look at wlox , paying part of the raise back. Total BS. He was ordered to pay it back along with others raises. He didn’t volunteer to pay Jack S— back !!! Al Showers BS.

  10. Pearl River
    Fact : Once again BS was Stirred by his yahoos to distract from the Real Problems. SOS
    Fact : This is what I get tired of. We all have opinions & should express them.
    Thanks Again

  11. Did anybody say anything when Les, John Rosetti, Don, Wendy, Mike Rosato, and a few others had diner on the 2nd floor porch of 200 North Beach???? Was the insurance guy, attorney, and an event promoter buying votes, or just buying dinner? What was Henry’s angle that night???? Lunch….Dinner….smoke screens…. WE NEED TO FIX THE FINANCIAL PROBLEMS!!!!!!!

  12. There is only one fix for the financial problems—-
    A professional City Manager who won’t feel intimidated by the presence of a City Clerk!!!

  13. If you have nothing to hide, you hide from nothing!!!!! Breaking bread with Eddie was a choice we do often together when Ms. Atkinson joined him to celebrate his birthday was thoughtful…. Eddie and I was very mindful of Henry Winters presence! Lol….. We had no need to talk “shop”! The audits (3) are done, DOJ review done and OSA report done, so now this Council HAS TO straighten out this Administration’s “shortcomings”. Jack Nicholson said it best: “(Some) You can’t handle the truth.” It’s easier to point fingers than to read results…….

    1. I hope they say BOOK-EM Danno, if not the council needs to revoke the bonds to pay for the piss poor management. P.S. I filed more than a dozen complaints with the Auditor’s office Les, bring it on with your bad self. Guessin after paying back the raises, and paying for the com-center you maybe broke this month. Doubt your free legal service has any time for you and it looks like your spending that last change in the shoe box for lumber. As the Donald says “YOUR FIRED” and take Daddy said with you.

  14. Lonnie,
    That was the height of arrogance on the part of Joan Colemzn to object herself into your private life and talk to you the way she did in front of everyone.
    She claims to be an accountant. Where is her concern for the 15 material ( which in accounting terms means serious) findings in her city’s audit for the last 3 years?!
    You were nicer than me ( most people are). I would have just told her it was none of her business who I eat lunch with, and to but out of my personal business.

  15. A little bird filled me in yesterday about why he holds on to the solid waste commission seat. I understand he gets kickbacks from trash cop Kidd, Santiago at the dump and perks from the hauling companies.

  16. Les and Raff are trying to get the City Council to do a Nuc Pro Tunc. They are in essence trying to cover up the miss spent and miss managed $13 utility charge. They lied and deceived for a few years now that we have the Sheriff, State and Fed investigating and they are pleading to get a cover up. The only sympathy they should get is a jar of vasoline as the walk through the gates. Taking advantage of the public’s best interest is second only to treason. They are deparate!

    feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
    “a desperate sadness enveloped Ruth”
    synonyms: despairing, hopeless; More
    (of an act or attempt) tried in despair or when everything else has failed; having little hope of success.
    “drugs used in a desperate attempt to save his life”
    synonyms: last-ditch, last-gasp, eleventh-hour, do-or-die, final; More
    (of a situation) extremely bad, serious, or dangerous.
    “there is a desperate shortage of teachers”
    synonyms: grave, serious, critical, acute, risky, precarious; More

    1. I was at that meeting. Everyone, including the Mayor was very clear the $13/month surcharge was to be used solely to pay off the debt. Num Pro Tunc is a mechanism to fix errors in the minutes, not change official actions.

  17. Don’t use that Num Pro Tunc phrase with the IRS!

    “Rev. Rul. 2006–17, page 748.
    Frivolous tax returns; “nunc pro tunc.” This ruling empha-
    sizes to taxpayers, promoters, and return preparers that insert-
    ing the phrase “nunc pro tunc” on a return or other document
    submitted to the Service has no legal effect and does not val-
    idate an invalid return, make a delinquent return timely, invali-
    date a signature, create a claim for refund of taxes previously
    paid, or reduce one’s federal tax liability”

    1. I missed that Rev Ruling. It also is a tacit admission the IRS is buzzword driven. I’ve spent a career getting penalties waived using buzzwords. Stands to reason there would be phrases the gang doesn’t like.

      1. It’s the daily double of trouble when the phrase in question is used by sovereign citizens in their varied “filings”, as appears to be the case.

          1. It was pretty obvious from the ruling that the phrase had been associated with certain types of activities. That phrase might sometimes be seen with ALL CAPS and strange punctuation and grammar. Perhaps like “The king of Hawaii” filing:

            These days, the U.S. Department of Justice and its investigators and prosecutors get accused of a lot of things by conspiracy-minded antigovernment extremists, but here’s a new one. A so-called “sovereign citizen” in the state of Washington, just sentenced to 40 months in prison, has filed suit accusing the government and its agents of using poor grammar and writing at a second-grade level.

            David Russell Myrland filed the civil suit in U.S. District Court in Seattle with help from David Wynn Miller, another sovereign who claims he became the “king of Hawaii” in 1996 after turning that state’s name into a verb. (For the record, Miller prefers the “full-colon” spelling of his name, David-Wynn: Miller. Like many sovereigns who don’t recognize most state and federal laws, he claims the government uses grammar to enslave it citizens. By using hyphens and colons in their names, he claims, citizens can escape the grasp of government and its taxes.)

            The “evidence” attached to the suit filed Jan. 23 is the federal criminal complaint filed by the Justice Department in January 2011 against Myrland, accusing him of threatening to kidnap and injure the mayor of Kirkland, Wash. Every word in the complaint is painstakingly footnoted as a “syntax-word-key meaning.”

  18. They are even more desperate since they were denied! Watch and listen as we move ahead! Desparation makes for desperate actions! LOL! Get ur popcorn !

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