Occasionally there is a price for stepping out

Welp folks the file cabinets at City Hall may be locked up tighter than a drum but we still were able to nab the goodie shown below, which is documentary evidence of a recent City cash receipt.

The worst part about having a Hizzoner gone rogue are the otherwise good employees the rogue chief executive takes with him down the primrose path to destruction. It was not lost on those in attendance last Thursday the exact wording the State Auditor used in the performance audit report was the “Mayor and City Employees” failing to follow state statute. I imagine that having to work at City Hall right now is rather treacherous.

Source: City of Bay St Louis Public Record
Source: City of Bay St Louis Public Record

And for former employees there is not even a paycheck to go with the continuing headaches: Continue reading “Occasionally there is a price for stepping out”