Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Trump is Toast

Published on Apr 6, 2016

Donald Trump, the billionaire builder who says he “loves the Bible” is on track to spend more time with it. He certainly will not have to worry about being encumbered by the responsibilities of public office.

Trump told us that “we would win so much with him as President that we would get tired of winning”. He’s leading by example there, and becoming a loser.

Trump constructed his whole campaign on the shifting sands of his own magnificence. It worked for a while and then it didn’t. Donald Trump will not be the Republican nominee.

In a way, it’s too bad. It was a heck of a show while it lasted. He could have been the nominee if he hired a couple of people who knew what terms like “ground game” meant and were aware of the fact that different states had different rules for delegate selection. And maybe one person to whisper in his ear and remind him to keep his story straight on where he stood on things like abortion, NATO, and nuclear weapons.

Before Wisconsin, some betting sites had the probability of a Trump Nomination as high as 71%. Now, the number at Betfair is 54%.

That’s straight out crazy. My number is 5%. He is a one in twenty shot to get the Republican Nomination. And the only reason I give him any chance at all is because he’s got money and he’s unpredictable. Continue Reading………….

Scott and Trinity Walker rent guest house at 435 East Beach to Black Spring Break revelers…. (UPDATED)

Based on the reporting from a few weeks back that the Walkers were told not to rent their place out it will be interesting to see where this latest development leads to but I am hearing from multiple sources with knowledge of the neighborhood that those folks who reside in this exclusive neighborhood are not enthralled with this latest turn of events.

Reader Submitted Photo | Vehicles Belonging to Black Spring Break Revelers from Sunflower County at 435 East Beach in Ocean Springs
Reader Submitted Photo | Vehicles Belonging to Black Spring Break Revelers from Sunflower County at 435 East Beach in Ocean Springs

But there are property taxes to pay on the place to go along with the car tag for the new Mercedes Sedan Scott drives these days and in the VRBO market there is only one color: Green.

I suspect we’ll be hearing more about this latest turn of events. Stay tuned.


An astute observer sent me a link for the related VRBO listing so I guess the Walkers decided not to wait for any City permits as such formalities are evidently for chumps in Ocean Springs. Continue reading “Scott and Trinity Walker rent guest house at 435 East Beach to Black Spring Break revelers…. (UPDATED)”