Meantime up in the Hub City, a journalist is allegedly assaulted

Th alleged assault happened just after the Hattiesburg Patriot published the following picture of the Forrest County Sheriff Billy McGee, who clearly was not feeling very photogenic when the picture was taken:

Forrest County Sheriff Billy McGee via the Hattiesburg Patriot Facebook page

These days Sheriff McGee is either loved or hated as it appears there is no middle ground up in the Pine Belt.

With all the excitement, I had to catch up and man have we been missing the action lately as it appears Chancery Court is the place to be these days in the ‘Burg: Continue reading “Meantime up in the Hub City, a journalist is allegedly assaulted”


At the end of the day green is the primary reason for being in business. It is the prime directive. Even not-for-profits must be green to survive because economically it is the only way to insure the mission is self-perpetuated in our (supposed) market economy.

But now the Gov and the legislature, pandering to the very worst in base, petty human emotion have insured that the trailer trash element in our state can use their supposed religious beliefs to deny service to those that offend their self-righteous, faux Christian sensibilities despite Federal laws that clearly state the contrary.

House Bill 1523 brings into sharp focus why Mississippi leads the nation in the export of Human Capital who escape a place that legislates ignorance in the name of ole time religion. And while these new style Mississippi Republicans certainly know how to pander to the majority of those who stayed, I submit they know jack shit about the Constitution.

I’m proud to disclose I have a client on the Sun Herald list of business that understand Green. I’d submit the very act of having to advertise that you serve everyone with green is a sure sign of an overall hostile business climate. For those that depend upon tourism to make their green, things are certain to get worse while ignorance reigns supreme at the Capitol.