Footloose and Fancy Free: Scott Walker out of Halfway House, heads straight for TeeVee

And that is where we start:

Scott Walker Released from Halfway House ~ WXXV

You had to be watching the 9PM newscast to see the interview, which I missed. Luckily for everyone, a few lifers were watching and I’m hoping they can fill in more blanks in comments. Speaking of blanks here is a clue as to how Walker will be occupying himself go forward by diving into the wedding industry:

435 East Beach Drive
four thirty five is located in beautiful Ocean Springs, Mississippi. It is a privately owned and operated venue created by Scott and Trinity Walker. The atmosphere is sheer elegance with the gulf as your backdrop; it is truly unique. They take great pride assuring you your wedding day will be exquisite. four thirty five looks forward to helping you achieve the wedding you’ve always dreamt of.

The Walkers need to book some events pronto because another reader pointed out to me last night that property taxes are now delinquent on the parcel. Continue reading “Footloose and Fancy Free: Scott Walker out of Halfway House, heads straight for TeeVee”

Last night’s budget workshop was evidently riveting…..

Preliminary reports from the Hancock County Alliance for Good Government indicates the City has a negative variance of $200,000 in this year’s budget not counting the repayment of over $300,000 in misspent DoJ Equitable Sharing Funds. But last night I was at my desk working down the pile when I received a real time bat signal on last night’s budget workshop from Poolman, which is shown below the jump. Continue reading “Last night’s budget workshop was evidently riveting…..”

Memory Lane: Jackson County Outsource Group

The folks over at SRHS Watch solve a few year old mysteries with today’s installment:

Inside Baseball: How Roy Williams’ Son Got a Sweetheart Deal at SRHS Part I ~SRHS Watch

Those of you that need to catch up can click here.

Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Channeling Reagan I End up for Bernie

Published on Mar 10, 2016

I’m for candidates that are capable of looking at the 7.4 billion people in the world as part of a human family, even if they live in Iran or Israel or Mexico or Mali or Gaza or Gabon.

I’m for candidates that are capable of doing the right thing even though it involves confronting and displeasing important elements of their own base.

For instance, is a Democrat capable of taking an action that is opposed by the Congressional Black Caucus or Planned Parenthood or the Teacher’s Unions. Or is a Republican capable of taking action that is opposed by the National Rifle Association or Big Oil or the Prime Minister of Israel.

If a President is not willing to confront his own base, when necessary, he or she is not worth the money we pay them.

Ronald Reagan did it twice in his first two years against the toughest of tough opponents, the State of Israel.

The first time involved the right of the President to conduct foreign policy unimpeded by foreign interference. It involved the sale of aircraft to the Saudis. The Israelis, under Prime Minister Begin, opposed the transaction. Reagan worked the issue very hard and won a showdown vote in the United States Senate 52-48. Before it was over, Reagan was accused by the Israeli government of “Antisemitism and betrayal”. See, Ronald Reagan, An American Life p. 416.

The second time involved the excessive killing of civilians in the Siege of Beirut in 1982. The Israeli army pummeled Beirut in the summer of 1982, trying to flush out the remnants of the Palestinian liberation organization. Reagan’s request for moderation in the siege was ignored. After civilian casualties reached what Reagan considered completely unacceptable levels, he telephoned Prime Minister Begin on August 12, 1982.

According to Reagan’s Diary, this is what he told the Prime Minister: Continue Reading…………