ICYMI: Bay Mayor playing political football with City employees

The one question I have is if these Bay St Louis Firefighter raises are all the sudden so important where the hell is Chief San Fillippo?

Council criticizes mayor for fire dept. pay hike ~ Geoff Belcher

Folks, in Bay St Louis, A Place Apart, raises for City employees just magically happen on their own. For those that have been in recent attendance at these transparently phony displays you have my condolences.

Meantime Hizzoner needed to conjure up some good PR so he called Al “H2O” Showers with a report that was both scripted and pitiful. The companion web article is heavily edited for that reason IMHO.

Meantime over in circus tent two we have the Mayor’s sideshow complete with Raffy the evil clown:

Harding subpoenas mayor and Bay council ~ Double D

Vital background on these subpoenas here.

4 thoughts on “ICYMI: Bay Mayor playing political football with City employees”

  1. Rafferty just attempted to trial a local businessman. This was a High Risk Low Reward Endeavor. After the fact, in last nights meeting he all but admitted that he has no Prosecution Liability nor does he have a contract. If the City were to win, there certainly would have been a Civil Rights Law Suit. Rarely are Legal Vendettas viable. Tax Payers on the hook have not been a big concern for these people.

    Why is a guy who defends public enemies representing the city and going after the good guys. He represents Thugs, Thieves, Drug Dealers, Pimps, Prostitutes and Pedophiles on a daily basis yet saw it to be meritorious to go after a local businessman, put him in jail for six months for a victim-less crime. This my friends is called a vendetta to silence the public threat of their (LES and Raff) critics.

    There is no other reason to do so.

    1. THAT LIGHT FLICKERING IN THE CORNER OF LES’S EYE… IS HIS POLITICAL CAREER DISSIPATION LIGHT….. this little stunt put it in overdrive…. One should be careful when infringing on ones 1st amendment rights!!!!

    2. Rod:
      “Why is a guy (Rafferty) who defends public enemies representing the city going after the good guys”

      I can answer this easily !

      Its the latest fad !- the same reason the liberal democrat DOJ’s in certain states/ D.C. are prosecuting the good and descent investigative reporters who revealed the national ” aborted baby body parts for sale” scandal and refuse to prosecute the corrupt doctors and abortion facilities.

      There is no fear of ridicule in the liberal States or D.C persecuting Christians, the police and the good people of the U.S. for political reasons – i.e. lets parade to the tune of ” Black Lives Matter” and “Fry them (police) like Bacon” when Blacks resist an arrest and bad things happen, but lets not talk about, discuss,solve or parade about the many thousands of young Blacks slaughtering other young Blacks in major cities over drug territories in Democrat controlled cities i.e Nola, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and on and on…….

      Barack Hussein Obama has had 7 years to help the Black on Black murder rate and high Black unemployment problems and those two things are much worse – oops , forgot he issued Executive Order to give food stamps to people who don’ t have to look for jobs and can sit on their butts forever. However, the only thing he has successfully done is intentionally intensify Black racism against Whites and done the ” wave” and the Tango with Killer Castro all the while Brussels, Belgium was burning.

      Where is Tom Terrific these days? – campaigning for Bernie Boy? His ears must be burning bout now.

  2. The years of life I have lived and all this white hair has given me this much insight into all of the issues being discussed here and elsewhere in the news media this week:
    Money is the god being worshiped by some in power politically, in the news media
    and the private sector, and it will be their downfall if they don’t rearrange their priorities.

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