Memory Lane: Jackson County Outsource Group

The folks over at SRHS Watch solve a few year old mysteries with today’s installment:

Inside Baseball: How Roy Williams’ Son Got a Sweetheart Deal at SRHS Part I ~SRHS Watch

Those of you that need to catch up can click here.

One thought on “Memory Lane: Jackson County Outsource Group”

  1. Holy Healthcare Hypocritical Hoes Batman;

    Another reason why we need Trump as President!

    Here we have the grossly lied about Obamacare ( the very arrogance of the socialistic SOB’s to call it the Affordable Healthcare Act) being implemented by a group of state Republican, capitalist crony corruptibles. And through their further corruption not only added more expense to Obamacare and ultimately to the healthcare premiums of other Americans, who originally had their own health insurance at reasonable rates, but helped bankrupt a community hospital, SRHS, and the pension plans of thousands of hard working hospital employees.

    I can see why the Republican government in Jackson, Mississippi does not want to bring this BS healthcare corruption to the light of other Mississippi citizens nor does the federal DOJ in Mississippi want to reveal how the Democrat party’s miracle Obamacare is being illegally manipulated across America.

    Only a non-PC President like Trump can reveal this illegal BS corruption because state Republican parties in so-called Republican controlled states in greater hypocrisy are using Obamacare to line the pockets of Republican appointed/elected crony officials.

    Credit ex-governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana for resisting this evil BS and not implementing Obamacare which in coming years will result in all Obamacare implementing states picking up a greater and greater portion of Medicare expenses associated with Obamacare. The bad news is Louisiana’s new governor, Govenator Dum Bell, will be implementing Obamacare and other new taxes as I type these very words.

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