Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Pity the Poor Billionaires

Published on Mar 2, 2016

The most interesting, likable, and authentic candidates in each party (Bernie and Trump) don’t want your money … although Bernie will probably take a check for $27 bucks, his average contribution.

The media is agog, especially at the Trump phenomenon. Their commentary is virtually useless … mostly because they are stuck in political correctness mode and are unwilling to speak plain English.

Case in point, The Establishment. How many times a day do you hear some bozo opine about the Republican Establishment and how they want anybody but Trump. The problem is, they never define what they are talking about. Who, in their opinion, is The Establishment?

Let me give it a shot. There are three Establishments in the Republican Party.

There is the Traditional Values Establishment. They’re pro-life, pro traditional marriage, and pro Second Amendment. If you’re not with them on that package of issues, you are not going to be the Republican nominee. It’s not that hard to make yourself acceptable to them. As John McCain once said, “Say you’re pro-life and stop talking about it.”

Second, there’s the Business Establishment. They want low taxes and less regulation. Everything they’re against like the minimum wage or Affordable Care Act they claim is a job killer. They’re not that hard to please. Just use the Reagan line, “Government is not a solution to the problem, government is the problem.”

Third, there’s the Foreign Policy Establishment.

Here is where the media gets spastic. They can’t quite get their heads around the fact that if you want to get the Republican Nomination for President, you cannot have foreign policy positions that are offensive to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mr. Sheldon Adelson, and Mr. Rupert Murdoch. These three gentlemen are of the Jewish persuasion and have strong views about what’s good for Israel and what American foreign policy in the Mideast should be.

Donald Trump is anathema to a lot of people for a lot of reasons. Continue Reading……

15 thoughts on “Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Pity the Poor Billionaires”

  1. Tom Terrific:
    Dam here I sit again agreeing with a majority of what you blogged….

    Either you are becoming more of a conservative or I’m leaning to thinking more like a liberal…..What am I saying? No, that is BS…coming out of my mouth….

    Just today I turned on the TV and there is Hillary talkin’ bout bad ass Wall St (Sanders’ line) and also how she dislikes Nabisco moving to Mexico(Trump’s line)…. has she had some transfusion of Sanders’ or Trump’s blood…?

    What the hell is happening… everythings goin’ 180 degrees…. liberals are sounding like conservatives and conservatives are becomin’ “flexible”(Trump)
    Gotta get my compass and check if the North is still North and South still South…

    The true test will be the day you and the Mighty Manfred realize Hillary is a corrupt, thievin’ POS………. thousands of classified e-mails,100 FBI agents and immunity smellin’ kinda’ smoky like the still burning cinders at Bengazi to me……. how bout you and Manfred?

    1. Mr. Tight…good to hear from you. I may be a little bit like Groucho Marx…I’d never join a club or a
      political party that would let someone like me in it.

      I have what I call a mute button-shower test on politicians. If I’m doing some work and I’ve got the
      TV on and Hilary comes on I’ll hit the mute button. Same with Cruz and Rubio. Now, on the other
      hand, if I’m in the shower and the TV is on and I can hear Obama, Trump, Sanders or Kasich I’ll get
      out of the shower to hear them.

      There is one special case, that’s Cruz. If I make the mistake of listening to him I feel like I have to go take a shower.


      1. Tom Terrific:

        Honk- Honk–THIS IS A TEST — this is a test of the emergency political system for gaging the swing of independents and blue dog demos to Trump–Honk –Honk

        If the election was today between Hillary and Trump—- WWTCD– (What Would Tom Callaghan Do)?

        1. You’ve posed a serious question, Mr. Tight, which I will seek to answer…but not right this
          moment. I’m watching the golf tournament at Trump’s course in Miami. I’m giving myself a little break.

    1. “The video was produced to help raise tens of millions of dollars through a controversial government program that offers expedited visas to foreign investors overwhelmingly from China. While the program has many supporters who argue it attracts foreign capital and creates jobs at no U.S. taxpayer cost, congressional overseers and Homeland Security have raised sharp concerns.”

      This is something Trump is faulted with rfp?

      1. Maybe it depends on which sentence the reader thinks constitutes the main idea?

        The next sentence following your excerpt:

        Applicants are sometimes cleared in less than a month and the critics say the government is essentially selling visas to wealthy foreigners with no proven skills, paving the way for money laundering and compromising national security.

        Some may find those details problematic. When programs such as this are used to construct Hilton Garden Inns and IHOP restaurants, it is hard to see what economic purpose is being served by this program. (Other than trading visas for investment dollars.)

        Did Donald Trump invent the EB-5 program? As far as I know he did not.

        Is he responsible for explaining whether he supports the idea of the EB-5 program when it is being used to help finance a deal with his name attached? Seems like a fair question to me. Would Donald Trump be a name overseas EB-5 investors might recognize? Is the project trading on his name to raise funds in exchange for visas? That seems like another fair question to ask.

        1. That was exactly my point, it depends on which part of the article you extract; in your case, the title of the article, which was meant to have a negative impact on Trump, was obviously written by an Anti-Trump politico blogger, who really doesn’t care about the facts, just the catchy headlines. I am almost certain that you would get an answer from Trump regarding EB-5 to the tune of something like this, “Do I agree with a government-created program to allow foreign dollars to take over projects on American soil, NO, but, it was a business decision and a smart decision on my part for business.” blah bla….something like that. The actual program, I think (internet is misleading sometimes) was sponsored by Ted Kennedy and signed by Big George as part of a revised Immigration Act (1990). The actual EB-5 program was a lot more conservative than the entire act. Originally, and still to this day as far as I know, the EB-5 program requires that investors acquire a special visa and maintain at least 10 permanent American jobs at the establishment created or invested in….Sponsored by a Kennedy, signed into law by a Bush and utilized by Trump, but Trump is only a small player. Look at the biggest projects utilizing EB-5…MOST ARE IN NYC, ALMOST ALL ARE LARGE CONTRIBUTORS TO DEMOCRATIC PARTY OR AFFILIATES, MANY ARE UNDER INVESTIGATION FOR CORRUPTNESS IN DONATIONS FOR FAVORS, and the amount of EB-5 utilization has increased about 400% over the last few years due to current administration’s restructuring of the program. So yea, let’s go after the small fish, because the “left establishment” and the “GOP establishment” are afraid of him.

          1. Jay Johnson:

            Great followup as the article actually appears on the Bloomberg Politics web page ( very top of website) and since Bloomberg has decided not to run for President, because he would take votes from Hillary, we ABSOLUTELY know article was meant to smear Trump.

            Next question to ask is has Romney, the Bushes, Soros or Bloomberg taken advantage of same corrupt visa program.

            Finally, I’m sure if mentioned to Mr.T he would say he didn’t author the visa program but he took advantage of it just as he did the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. But I would suggest he should say=”…. lets make them internet hacking Chinese, who are building military islands in mid- Pacific, put up not just 1/2 million for a family visa but 10 million investment dollars per visa card so they can all breath American clean air at a fair “great deal” price.

            Call Mr.T a capitalist, a showman or a master TV manipulator, etc. – who the hell cares as long as we get the anti-Christian, rainbow loving, Muslimistic, socialistic give away Demos out and shake up the do nothing Republican Establishment politicos to get off their asses and get control of the 20 Trillion dollar debt.

            P.S. – Haley Barber of the Republican Establishment has da’ Governator Bryant supporting TrusTED so lets hope Mr.T trumps da’ Bryant’s Full House of Cards wit da’ Royal Flush on his way to Fla. to embarrass his” Little Marco” dwarf- fingered cuban friend .

  2. Thanks for the return to bigotry, Tom. With things so crazy these days I need some stability in my life.

    Having said that, like Locke I do agree with a portion of what you said. I bemoan the fact that any whiff of compromise is now instantly grounds to shut down political discourse. Purists (on either side) are certain to halt any constructive governance.

    I look forward to your definition of Establishment on the left. (Not holding my breath).

    1. “Return to bigotry”…that’s quite genteel of you, at least compared to your prior observations. I would think a sophisticated observer of events and my observations thereon would discern that if I’m bigoted against any group it would be gentiles or goyim as they say. I pretty much admitted as much in a piece I wrote in January on how various people and communities deal with anger. Check it out and I’ll look forward to an improvement in your powers of discernment.

      Now that our discourse has reached a higher level I will be most pleased to help you with the Establishment of the Left. First, you’ve got the civil rights (or African American) establishment.
      Congressman John Lewis is highly respected and Al Sharpton is important. The Clintons have paid their dues with that community and Hilary is reaping the benefits now. Second, you’ve got the environment establishment…Sierra Club, Wilderness Society, etc. Third, the “Peace Community”.
      Their heyday was back when we had a draft…they’re sort of disorganized right now but can be
      galvanized. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is where Obama will concentrate in his post presidency.
      Fourth, you have the Pro Choice Pro Gay Rights group.

      1. Tom Terrific:

        Concerning the Leftist Establishment you forgot the socialist SEIU, an employees’ national union which took over the strong arm objectives/tactics from Acorn and Wade Rathke ,who is now in control of SEIU Texas sector and other SEIU international groups….

        and don’t forget the pro Muslim groups, anti-Christian groups which have given us Christians Happy Holidays but the government EEO tells employees the Muslims need holy rugs and several breaks from work to pray to Allah to the east……

        and finally the peace group is still alive and well with ex-soldier, Viet Nam objector John Kerry doing the Iranian deal (150 Billion dollar deal) which monies just helped pay for a out bound Iranian ship with Iranian weapons just seized by Australian navy off the Somalia coast trying to bring Iranian rocket launches, weapons etc… to the Islamic Extremist groups in Somalia.

        So please hug the Mighty Manfred tonite cause he’s worried bout Islamic terrorists in the U.S. and whatever you do don’t let him watch the current movie “London Down….”

        1. Tight…always a pleasure to have your additions and corrections. In my defense, due to the finite quality of human life, I only listed the first couple of segments of the Left Establishment.

          Concerning Merry Christmas, you can be sure that you have an ally in me. Indeed, when people suggest that I should have a Happy Holiday I often ask them if they will objet if I
          interpret their greeting to include that I have a Merry and Joyous Christmas. Most seem to allow me that interpretation.

          Concerning John Kerry, I’m pleased to advise that, like Barack Obama, I think we’re lucky to have him.

          As LBJ used to say, its always a pleasure to reason together with you.

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