Where there was light now there is complete darkness

Photo courtesy of a reader. Bay ST Louis Mayor Les Fillingame wastes no time securing MUnicipal re3cords after Court of Appeals decision restricting public access to public records.
Photo courtesy of a reader 3/29/2016. Bay St Louis Mayor Les Fillingame wastes no time securing Municipal records after Mississippi Court of Appeals decision restricting public access to public records.

And the good ol’ boys are going to town. A reminder to everyone that Auditor Pickering’s investigation nabbed a few low level DMR employees but refusing to release the formerly public documents will save his political buddies tons of embarrassment. There is a reason Scott Walker feels like that he was betrayed folks, mainly because he was.

Sun Herald loses DMR records battle on appeal ~ Anita Lee

ICYMI: Bay Mayor playing political football with City employees

The one question I have is if these Bay St Louis Firefighter raises are all the sudden so important where the hell is Chief San Fillippo?

Council criticizes mayor for fire dept. pay hike ~ Geoff Belcher

Folks, in Bay St Louis, A Place Apart, raises for City employees just magically happen on their own. For those that have been in recent attendance at these transparently phony displays you have my condolences.

Meantime Hizzoner needed to conjure up some good PR so he called Al “H2O” Showers with a report that was both scripted and pitiful. The companion web article is heavily edited for that reason IMHO.

Meantime over in circus tent two we have the Mayor’s sideshow complete with Raffy the evil clown:

Harding subpoenas mayor and Bay council ~ Double D

Vital background on these subpoenas here.

Reader mailbag: Has the Sun Herald lost its mind?

The answer to that question from my perspective is no. They’re in the business of selling papers and to the extent people have read the Scott and Trinity Walker PR series and are talking about it I’d say they are fulfilling the core mission of a news media organization. Still there is a level of anger that is also undeniable. What follows from the reader mailbag is very representative:

Please do a follow up post about the latest Sun Herald article re: Trinity Walker being in survival mode. What is the Sun Herald thinking? ~ F. from the coast

Do I have some thoughts on this? Absolutely and I expressed them here. Since Trinity shared her tale of woe a parody Facebook group has popped up in the Scott and Trinity Walker fan club. A snippet from the about page:

Scott has been a very successful politician and businessman. He essentially made Trent Lott who he is today, and previously ran the Bush 42 White House-like in his sleep. He should have been the Mayor of Ocean Springs, because he deserves it. If it weren’t for the “former Governor” stopping his progress, he would be getting even more press! What up Haley!

Trinity is pretty much a role model for all moms. She can change lightbulbs and do all sorts of helpful household stuff. Her career has sky rocketed since the DMR days. When she is not managing the general surgery and cardiothoracics divisions at the hospital, she is a fashionista blogging on all the latest fashion trends and wedding planning ideas. Nobody has tried to stop her, so she totally rocks!

As for me this whole PR push brings back up memories of the entire Bill Walker – DMR meltdown along with a few newer ones but that deserves its own post. In the meantime since y’all want to comment on the latest installment of As the Walkers Turn feel free to express your thoughts in comments.

Ocean Springs Mayor: Trinity “just doesn’t understand how it works.”

Based on email communications between Slabbed and Ocean Spring residents this is an idea that will never survive the process:

Scott Walker, wife told not to use Ocean Springs home as venue ~ Karen Nelson

A long time ago I had someone from the country through my office that had some experience doing real estate developments in a couple of rural areas in Mississippi. This person got a nice piece of land in a more metropolitan area for what he thought was a steal but he found out the hard way that dirt roads, fifty gallon drums for septic along with no plans for sidewalks, curbs or gutters would not fly in the nicer locales that actually enforce codes and zoning. Stuck with overpriced land and without access to the CIAP program, I imagine the parcel that was such a steal ended up selling at a big loss.

Now back to the 435 East Beach. A best two of three falls cage match between Mayor Moran and Trinity Walker on pay per view has potential IMHO.

Superlatives can’t adequately describe Tuesday Night’s Bay City Council meeting….

Those of you following comments on the budget workshop Monday already know Mayor Fillingame gave out and paid employee raises without first seeking Council approval. This is what the Les Lovers United call “working together” except the City Council did not act the part of rubber stamp.

Personally I was stunned to hear of this latest turn of events and this topic deserves in depth analysis, which it will receive. Along those lines I wanted to get some official reaction so I dialed (407) 824-2900 and asked for State Auditor Pickering but the receptionist denied the State Auditor was in his office. If anyone can help me track Auditor Pickering down, perhaps even another phone number, I’d be much obliged.

Stay tuned.

Teachers at St Clare were bullies?

Naw, that was just Hyperbole although firing up Sister Patricia back in the day was invariably a bad idea.

“His being born with a birth defect did lead to continual bullying from peers, teachers, adults and others he met in his life.”

There was one time I got popped in the head by Brother Robert for too much pre-mass chatter but he never singled anyone out based on race, color, creed or disability because he popped Judge Haas’ son in the head the very next month for the same offense. I never saw Mike get popped but I could have missed it.

Yeah, hyperbole. I hate this has happened for all involved.