Stick a fork in it: Trump is your guy GOPers

I thought the overall field of candidates could not have been weaker than in 2008 and 2012 but 2016 proved me wrong.

Meantime I found this gem:

Trump vs. Clinton: The election no one wants ~ Bruce Abramson and Jeff Ballabon

America’s political, academic, business, and media elites will launch studies trying to understand why Americans have lost faith in their leaders and their institutions. Most of them will come to agree with President Obama: Americans distrust our leaders because our leaders devote too little effort to explaining their greatness in terms that average Americans can grasp. Their own failings, or the gaping chasm between elite and average concerns, are unlikely to enter their thinking.

Taken together, America is hurtling towards an election that no one wants. The Democratic Party will nominate a candidate most Democrats dislike because their game is rigged. The Republican Party will nominate a candidate most Republicans dislike because their game is not. It’s a wonderful advertisement for liberal democracy.

The above is why I think Trump beats Clinton unless Trump enters a “dead girl or a live boy” type scenario, despite what polling currently indicates. This election will boil down to a handful of states, Ohio likely the most important of them all.

19 thoughts on “Stick a fork in it: Trump is your guy GOPers”

    1. Bill Bennett recently said the ESTABLISHMENT is after Trump and for him to be careful cause they will do anything to prevent his presidency.

      With Honorable Justice Scalia’s recent demise in Texas I would suggest Trump hire extra security while in Texas cause they don’t do autopsies there despite there being a law to do so, allow Cruz to win Texas and get the hell out of Dodge cause bad things happen to political folks in Texas.

      No matter what they allege against Trump we all need to vote for him so the ESTABLISHMENT understands that the taxpayer no longer will tolerate the BS give away programs , the fraud in Medicaid and Medicare, the USA defending Korea, Germany, Japan, Saudia Arabia, Israel and everyone else without payment for such services; the Mexican influx of illegals and drugs, the political crony wall street/ big bank economy manipulations, the national and global industries moving factories out of America, the favoritism of Muslims over Christians, and on and on….

      All muslim refugees must be sent to Vatican City so there will be more than the TWO they take in yearly…… and let the Pope feed, clothe and try to convert them to Christians…..

      Finally,common sense conservatism, American patriotism and nationalism and non-PC attitude are all long overdue…… economic global world order under the tariff deals of the Clintons, the Bushes and Obama must be reversed NOW….. before there is no America .

  1. It’s bizarre of Abramson and Ballabon to claim that Hillary is disliked by most Democrats. The most recent poll I found in a quick Google was a Jan. 26 CNN/ORC one finding that Clinton led Sanders 52% to 38% among registered voters who are Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents. Moreover, both Clinton and Sanders “enjoy broadly positive favorability ratings among Democrats (80% view Clinton favorably, 79% Sanders).”
    The CNBC duo are fueled by emotion, not facts.

  2. Hilary’s victory speech in South Carolina tonight was amazing. She promised to make up for all that was lackkng in everyone’s lives in one breath and n the next promised to preserve all that President Obama has accomplished?! Gonna be a long Leap Year. We may all go off the edge before Nov.

  3. At the start of it, a lot of people seemed to have forgotten the winner-take-all nature of a lot of U.S. elections. Combined with an almost worst-case scenario of each establishment candidate being given just enough hope that they stay in for a long time, and it really opens up the chances for a dark horse candidate.

  4. With PC out of vague we now have the David Dukes coming back out to see if they will be accepted and the answer is not NO ,but HELL NO!

    Why Trump didn’t say that over and over like he says he going to build a wall is puzzling. Is he afraid of alienating the skin heads?

    1. Yes, he’s afraid. He knows that losing the votes of those who believe all problems are due to non-whites and the politicians who won’t “put them in their place” would cut deeply into his support. His message is sure fanning the flames. Lovely that kids in Indiana held up a cutout of his face while chanting “Build the wall” at their primarily Hispanic basketball opponents. Back in the day, PC was better known as common human decency. Trump has always been short on that.

  5. If Rubio ever decides to “visit” the halls of Congress ( he’s spent the majority of his term running for Pres.- sound like someone else we know?)
    he’ll probably introduce legislation to make all male candidates have to include in their campaign disclosure papers a “handprint!!!”
    Don’t even want to think about what the gals will have to disclose!! It’s gone wild for sure!

    1. So true, Lana! Either of the religionist candidates should be anathema to all who understand what this country’s values have been since its inception.

  6. Vote Trump—He shows he is not a politician speech after speech——It is as refreshing as the Spring air! Andrew Jackson was not a politician but was a great patriot that stood up against politicians and politicos!

  7. still waiting for a grownup or non criminal to enter the race…..If Trump wins, will be very interesting to see who his VP is. I still hold out hope of seeing Clinton do the perp walk soon and Bloomberg entering the race. Im not sure he would be all that great, but I know hes better than the two clowns running in front now. I would vote for a dead fish head before I ever voted for Hillary.

  8. Holy Hoein’ Hypocriscy Batman;

    Hillary says she is ‘very disappointed that Trump did not time and time again disavow support ‘ of KKK/white rights’ groups.

    All this while Hillary is kissin’ ass and suckin’ Black Lives Matter/ NACCP/ Black Power folks who shout Pigs in a blanket fryem’ like bacon….preventing people from voting in Philly…etc..?

    What the hell is the difference Hillary ? – sorry , I should say “what difference does it make”? At least Trump is not rubbing up /bosomming against them and promising them to balance white rights with black rights.

  9. I appreciate that Trump expresses all of our frustrations & everything un-PC that we could possibly imagine but what else has he said of real substance? When I realized that voters were taking him seriously, I really started paying attention & aside from building a wall & not allowing Muslims into the country, pretty much all he does is insult people. I was trying to like him, but there’s nothing to him really.

  10. Trump’s popularity is, in my opinion, the electorate voicing how PO’ed they are with the condition of the country and with those who “achieved” this mess for us. And, they obviously feel they have an ear that is willing to hear they plea, At this juncture that ear, at least to the majority who are voting, belongs to Trump.
    This has been a long 8 years for a lot of folks and they are voicing their outrage.

  11. It just thrills me to watch Hillary celebrate her primary victories and smile real big and elevate those big, fat huge cheeks she has….

    I just hope she can reach pass them ………..and wipe clean with Recticare wipes….

    This explains her new slogan ……..”Make America Hole”

  12. I wonder how Hilary is going to answer when she is asked what administration tore America apart if she’s feels the need to make us whole again.

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