Stick a fork in it: Trump is your guy GOPers

I thought the overall field of candidates could not have been weaker than in 2008 and 2012 but 2016 proved me wrong.

Meantime I found this gem:

Trump vs. Clinton: The election no one wants ~ Bruce Abramson and Jeff Ballabon

America’s political, academic, business, and media elites will launch studies trying to understand why Americans have lost faith in their leaders and their institutions. Most of them will come to agree with President Obama: Americans distrust our leaders because our leaders devote too little effort to explaining their greatness in terms that average Americans can grasp. Their own failings, or the gaping chasm between elite and average concerns, are unlikely to enter their thinking.

Taken together, America is hurtling towards an election that no one wants. The Democratic Party will nominate a candidate most Democrats dislike because their game is rigged. The Republican Party will nominate a candidate most Republicans dislike because their game is not. It’s a wonderful advertisement for liberal democracy.

The above is why I think Trump beats Clinton unless Trump enters a “dead girl or a live boy” type scenario, despite what polling currently indicates. This election will boil down to a handful of states, Ohio likely the most important of them all.