BREAKING: Rumor mill churning in picturesque Mayberry by the Sea (Part 1)

There are more things happening right now behind the scenes in Bay St Louis than I have time to cover today, all of which have their roots in last Tuesday night’s meeting which I was unable to attend. If the Sun Herald covered it I missed their story but we can always count on the local newspaper of record to cover such vital public events as the Seacoast Echo had a reporter there Tuesday night so first up is the today’s story on last Tuesday’s Bay City Council meeting courtesy of the Seacoast Echo. We’ll circle that story for right now and move on to a couple of coded messages I am receiving from prominent members of the community. Here is the first one:

But the most intriguing one is below the jump. Continue reading “BREAKING: Rumor mill churning in picturesque Mayberry by the Sea (Part 1)”