Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Republicans need a “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff” rule

Published on Feb 16, 2016

Barack Obama likes to keep things simple.

Stylistically, he’s no drama Obama. Operationally, the rule for the day, every day, is “Don’t do stupid stuff.”

Our most recent Republican President George W. Bush, who has taken an active role in support of his brother, was sorely in need of a “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff” Rule (“The Rule”) in his own administration. Likewise, the assorted collection of food fighters and mud wrestlers who make up the Republican field for 2016 should investigate strategic use of The Rule.

The Administration of George W. Bush

1. In October of 2000, while Bill Clinton was President, the USS Cole was attacked by suicide-bombing terrorists in the waters near Aden, Yemen. The fact that the ship was there, unprotected, operating under inadequate rules of engagement, was Bill Clinton’s fault, no doubt about it. A clear violation of The Rule.

On January 20, 2001, George W. Bush was inaugurated President. On February 4, 2001, his administration was briefed by the CIA to the effect that the Cole was a Bin Laden Al Qaeda operation. According to then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Bush made the decision not to retaliate, saying, “He didn’t want to swat flies.”

President Bush’s inaction after being briefed on the fact that the Cole was a Bin Laden Al Qaeda operation was a colossal failure of leadership … fecklessness at its worst … and a clear violation of The Rule. Bush stupidly did nothing when he should have retaliated.

2. On August 6, 2001, President George W. Bush was on vacation on his ranch in Crawford, Texas. On that day he was visited at his ranch by a CIA briefer, who handed him a document titled, “Al Qaeda Determined to Attack in the United States”.

The Cole incident could not help but have put Bush on notice regarding Al Qaeda’s reach and capabilities. Now, he was handed a document outlining a level of urgency that would cause even the most feckless of leaders to arouse himself from historic torpor. Continue Reading……….

14 thoughts on “Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Republicans need a “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff” rule”

  1. Tom Terrific:

    For the first time I and Iam sure Trump would agree with everything you have said about George Bush Jr..

    Now how about commenting on the strange JKF- like circumstances surrounding the death of Honorable SC Judge Antonin Scalia.

    Both JFK and Scalia were invited to Texas. Both died unexpectedly and suddenly in Texas and both failed to have full protective personnel around them. Neither had subsequent proper local state autopsies . Additionally, Scalia died in a very isolated area free from his normal accompanying protective U.S.Marshalls , far from any city of size and not
    one physician or coroner reviewed his body.Not even one police investigator was called to the scene which was not his normal residence, nor a relative/friends’ home but instead a public hotel room with approximately 50 other guests/ hotel help on or around the hotel property .

    Had a liberal SC justice died suddenly in a remote hotel room without normal assigned protective U.S. Marshalls and his/ her body not reviewed by a medical professional/police investigator and then quickly embalmed during a Republican Presidency the liberals would be raising suspicious red flags all over the country and the liberal media would be asking big time questions.

    Where is the investigative media and free press?

    1. Mr. Tight…

      Appreciate the opening sentence.

      Concerning Scalia, it looks strange to me. It seems as though the family didn’t want an autopsy which is unusual. It reminded me a bit of Cheney’s hunting accident. I guess things are different in

      I’m going to concentrate my efforts elsewhere.

  2. Job Opportunity!!!!!!!

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    Public Assistance Manager – Government Services

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    Experience Requirements:
    Minimum of seven (7) years’ related experience with progression in complexity and scope of assignments
    Must have previous experience with FEMA Public Assistance
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  3. Bill Clinton: “I could have killed” Osama bin Laden
    Let’s not play the blame game….it works both ways. Personally I think the blatant lack of PATRIOTISM and constant mocking of Americans is enough for anyone to dislike Obama.

      1. Tom, tom…blame him for what? I said, that PERSONALLY, I THINK….which means that I think his lack of patriotism is enough to dislike him….what the hell did I blame him for?? You simply don’t like anyone poking holes in your cloud in the sky.

  4. Why are liberals so obsessed with W? It was eight years ago. Clinton could have killed Obama bin Laden at least twice but failed to pull the trigger. Feckless leadership? Clinton ordered an airstrike overseas to distract from his personal problems. Do I bring it up in current political discussions? No. No point. Obama’s failure to protect the country from the radicals trying to kill us all (even you, Tom) and head in the sand attitude to enemies, foreign and domestic, are what worry me now. And come on Tom, you really missed the opportunity to expound upon the Jewish Industrial Complex pulling W’s strings.

  5. Sorry ADA, Tom is not interested in what is happening NOW…because his beloved Obama…and more recently Hillary might be to BLAME, oops, sorry Tom, didn’t mean to point the finger. It’s nice how he calls out documents that were provided to Bush, kind of reminds me of those that Hillary and Obama received, oh wait, they were deleted, so, they do not get counted. Let’s ask the Pope, he’s got comments these days about our politics!

    1. The failure of Bush to heed the CIA warning given to him on August 6, 2001 contributed to the death
      of thousands. Bush was on notice as to Bin Laden’s capabilities by virtue of the USS Cole. Also, as the son of a former President and CIA Director he could not have helped but known of the problem of intelligence agencies not sharing intelligence.

      George Bush’s decision to remain on vacation for 24 days constitutes the most egregious dereliction
      of duty by a US President ever. Period.

      Most of the time the US Government runs itself. Every now and then the sitting President has to step up to the plate and be accountable. Bush had an opportunity for greatness. He failed totally.

      1. At the risk of simply saying you have “Bush derangement syndrome” – I’ll break it down a little bit more so maybe even you can understand it. Great, in hindsight Clinton and Bush did not take a more aggressive response to AQ-OBL. That was 15 years ago. Then, even I, a very well read, educated, and serious citizen did not appreciate the threat from AQ-OBL. (Never mind that if Bush had invaded Afghanistan with ground troops before 9/11 to root out OBL hacks like you with scream Bush was a war-monger.) But the past is prologue. Fast forward 1.5 decades to today and your douche-bag President should know better but still doesn’t. His blunders make Bush look like a visionary. The “red-line policy” in Syria legitimized a tyrant, so undermined our credibility that we have no soft influence left in that mess. Only boots on the ground now would move the needle. (Lord I hope we hold our breath and let the chips fall.) And what a way to give Russia the lead (and give them Crimea an invasion of an Eastern European country that wants to be an ally and be peaceful). Obama legitimized the mullahs in Iran with his “deal”. That deal is only going to make them a nuclear power in time or worse yet, give them a game to cheat at. I fear the day when America faces truth or consequences on enforcing that “deal” once Iran is caught cheating. We will either turn our back, showing the greatest weakness our country has ever shown, or, we’ll be in the shit so deep, millions will die. (You leftist boobs can never understand that the rest of the world does not see the world through your college educated American eyes where a drum circle and eating vegan is the peak of society. Here’s a hint – Ottoman’s believe conquering is glory.) But not done, you leftist-hacks criticize W.’s decision to invade Iraq 15 years ago. (I got that one wrong too and yes we should have stayed home.) But when we finally got mistake back to zero, Obama doubles down on the mistake, makes political decision to withdraw from Iraq in the face of every legitimate opinion saying to just stay put – like we did in Korea and Europe. Staying put led to peace in both places, tense at times, but no shooting wars. Can you say anything close to that in Iraq? Of course not. Death becomes from this political idiocy. And we’re not done yet – Obama “led from behind” on Libya. Ole’ Muammar was a bad dude – like Saddam. He had a tight grip on the opposition though – like Saddam. But this time, not only did we destablized Muammar (got some ambassador’s killed too) Obama didn’t even put into place any assembly of process to re-stabilize that country. Look at that mess today – if the media would cover it like they did Iraq, the notation that it is Syria II would become crystal clear. Obama couldn’t even stop himself from repeating the exact same mistake W. made but with even worse execution of the mistake. Sadly I am damned to share a country with you leftist morons. You think in terms of a political football game where as long as leftists hold power, then you’re winning. But if you could get off your knees and stop sucking the Obama pipe organ just long enough, avoid going back 15 years (two Presidential terms) ago, you’d see that you have not held our failed CURRENT leader accountable. But I doubt you will. Repeat after me, “it’s all Bush’s fault. It’s all Bush’s fault.” (Leftist-moron chant therapy).

        1. In my opinion, Jeb and some of the other Republican candidates made GWB relevant by stating
          “Bush kept us safe”. For that reason, it was fair to examine whether or not he did.

          In my opinion, he didn’t. He was on notice as to the nature and imminence of an attack and did nothing…a complete abdication of his responsibilities.

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