Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Republicans need a “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff” rule

Published on Feb 16, 2016

Barack Obama likes to keep things simple.

Stylistically, he’s no drama Obama. Operationally, the rule for the day, every day, is “Don’t do stupid stuff.”

Our most recent Republican President George W. Bush, who has taken an active role in support of his brother, was sorely in need of a “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff” Rule (“The Rule”) in his own administration. Likewise, the assorted collection of food fighters and mud wrestlers who make up the Republican field for 2016 should investigate strategic use of The Rule.

The Administration of George W. Bush

1. In October of 2000, while Bill Clinton was President, the USS Cole was attacked by suicide-bombing terrorists in the waters near Aden, Yemen. The fact that the ship was there, unprotected, operating under inadequate rules of engagement, was Bill Clinton’s fault, no doubt about it. A clear violation of The Rule.

On January 20, 2001, George W. Bush was inaugurated President. On February 4, 2001, his administration was briefed by the CIA to the effect that the Cole was a Bin Laden Al Qaeda operation. According to then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Bush made the decision not to retaliate, saying, “He didn’t want to swat flies.”

President Bush’s inaction after being briefed on the fact that the Cole was a Bin Laden Al Qaeda operation was a colossal failure of leadership … fecklessness at its worst … and a clear violation of The Rule. Bush stupidly did nothing when he should have retaliated.

2. On August 6, 2001, President George W. Bush was on vacation on his ranch in Crawford, Texas. On that day he was visited at his ranch by a CIA briefer, who handed him a document titled, “Al Qaeda Determined to Attack in the United States”.

The Cole incident could not help but have put Bush on notice regarding Al Qaeda’s reach and capabilities. Now, he was handed a document outlining a level of urgency that would cause even the most feckless of leaders to arouse himself from historic torpor. Continue Reading……….