From the “enemy” camp….

I’m not sure about couching the Bay financial disaster as a partisan political fight though it is true dat Hizzoner has made some enemies during his term of office. While his worst enemy can be found in his bathroom mirror I have this from a reader:

Reader submitted parody
Reader submitted parody

34 thoughts on “From the “enemy” camp….”

  1. Those who challenge politicians or issues are almost always depicted by those they confront as “the bad guys or the enemy.”
    Nothing new under the sun.
    We will continue to insist on a government that serves the people, not the other way around.
    Aa Winston Churchill said:
    “You’ve made some enemies?
    You must have stood up for something!”

    1. True but when one stands up, she should stand up cleanly, not in manure! Get Jeff to help shovel that s^&t outta the way Lana!!

  2. We need to start a campaign made up from the citizens of BSL and outright picket and protest in front of city hall and before each meeting. maybe the mayor and the council will get the message. Via slabbed and talking is one thing, but visual protest could be more productive. You know WLOX will come out. This is a good grass roots campaign. Maybe with more TV and newspaper coverage the public may wake up and see what is really going on rather than keeping their heads in the sand…

  3. Why hasn’t the Feds cleaned house down there??? Why is Mr. Fillingame still the Mayor??? Is he one of Pickerings’ “friends and family” group???; Maybe we need to look into the Federal connection there??? Someone is stopping these prosecution proceedings here in this State. Imo, it begins with old Fat@$$ and his munchkin pal, Puhl@$$o. And the idiots in Jones, Forrest, and Marion counties are following their “Christian” pals and trusting their State Auditor; so they keep voting this garbage back in. Better wake up people – you are the problem too!
    Maybe picketing is the answer to all of this State’s problems!!! Maybe we can get past the “friends and family” connections and get some national attention down here. It is no wonder that no one cares about us. This state is being operated by incompetant tramps and thieves for the most part, imho.

    1. I realize that suggesting to you that you consider that the reason Fillingame hasn’t been ‘cuffed & stuffed’ is because the slabbed gang is, well, off again on yet another witch hunt. Read back on slabbed and see the countless accusations that have been investigated by numerous state, federal or independent agencies and ask yourself: Is it really possible that EVERYONE (except the slabbed gang) is crooked? Honestly, how likely is that? State auditors, federal investigators, independent auditors, independent investigators…they are ALL crooked? They are ALL in Fillingame’s pocket? ALL of them are incompetent? You guys are something. Lana stays on her manhunt for Fillingame ever since he wouldn’t appoint her gang member Ron to the school board. It’s really that simple. She wanted him on the school board so that she could exact some revenge, I guess, on the people who eliminated her daughter’s class, or something like that. Since then she hasn’t quit, and she’s gotten folks like you to play along. Playing you like a fiddle, using you like her tool. The other very obvious thing with Lana is that her so called Hancock COUNTY alliance for really good government focuses only on bay st. louis. What’s up in Waveland? The county? Does she fight with the county to make sure county tax money is properly spent in the bay or waveland? If she does, she’s mighty quiet about it. Same with the other dozen people who frequent slabbed. You know, it becomes really obvious what’s really going on when slabbed people keep doing the same things over and over with the same results (ie: nothing). I hear that’s the same definition of insanity too – repeating the same act but expecting a different result. In lana’s case, perhaps it’s just the onset of dementia, or senility – that girl is getting up in years, after all. A few years ago you never heard a peep out of her, but then again, her brother was on the council then. Heaven forbid she’d criticize the city then, best to wait until he retired. Bottom line, slabbed boys and girls keep being used like lonnie mike joey’s tools. Hey, if you enjoy it, more power to ya I say – blogging is kinda fun for me, so I see why you do it – I was just trying to point out the obvious even though I know it falls on deaf ears. Average people believe what they want to believe, nothing more. Life for them is more exciting that way and takes a lot less effort. Who wants to spend time actually researching something! So much easier just to get on a blog and pour over juicy information provided by 2 or 3 people – 2 or 3 people who have never held public office that I’m aware of, never managed a municipal budget that I’m aware of and never managed anything more than criticizing everyone and everything (have you noticed that too??). Goodness I’m just going on here!! Well I’m glad you listened, I feel better now. Ya’ll have yourselves a great evening!

      1. You see the wheels of justice turn SLOW… Just want to help speed it up with a new set of Eagle GTs…. Wanna bet its not over???? any amount just say when.

      2. Might want to check with the Walkers about Slabbed and the Slabbed commenters always being wrong. I suppose since Scott is out now he would be easier to contact than his daddy Bill who is still in Uncle Sam’s custody IIRC. Alternately, Aaron Broussard, SH Anthony & etc.

      3. d.cuevas: I have been looking on Slabbed for a few years now and made a few comments here and there. I feel you would be astonished that most of the Slabbed people who make comments are surprisingly accurate. They may not be 100% all the time but I think Slabbed is a good source of info. If you actually knew of the truth of what happened at the Department of Marine Resources you would have a change of heart about our justice system, I promise. If you only knew how many politically connected people got away while others had to endure false accusations and pay the price.

      4. Slow down and get another sip of the kool-aid sugar. Now now. Les is the bes. Bad poolman. Bad Joey. Bad Lana. We ain’t got room in these parts for no honesty. You are a magic unicorn honey. There there. Thats it. Another big sip of that yummy kool-aid. Bad Lonnie. Bad auditor… Les is da be$$$$$. Bad mathemateics Bad laws. Bad accountability. Bad responsibility. You’re getting very sleepy. Bad handcuffs. Bad jail. Bad Slabbed!

        1. Glass half full:

          There ,there half full of sh*t between you and d.cuevas i don’t know who is the biggest BS artist. You’ll must be genetically linked in some way to the band , Lesbo and the Lost 5.

          Keep filling your glass full of BS then you will be “one and one half glasses full”.

          1. Shuck! I was hoping you and poolman would be my valentines. Never mind now – you had to go there with the S word and the L word. Shame on you!

          2. Lockemuptight……Silly rabbit…. I’m on your side! Read my post again …. now put some sarcasm in it.

  4. Yesterday, Tuesday, during Mardi Gras it was reported the Fuel Man Cards were shut off due to non payment. The Police could not get gas and at approximately 1:30 the Mayor and his wife were seen in their personal vehicle at the City Yard where the Gas Pump is. Remember Tommy Longo?

    1. Of course that’s not the mayor’s fault, right D…? And we all know that it’s not a big deal to be in the city yard without cause, right Lonnie…Poolman…etc.?

    2. Ooh! I bet Les is stealing gas and selling it for profit! Probably had his mis-sippi credit card out, siphoning the tank. Busted!!!!

  5. During the American Revolution do you think that Ben Franklin, Paul Revere or George Washington were viewed as good guys by the Government. During the Civil Rights movement do think Martin Luther King was seen by Government as a good guy. Do you think Nixon thought that the people who questioned him were good guys? How about Rod Blagoavich? same!

    It is an American Right and good citizenry to question and end oppressive and abusive Government.

    Les has suppressed information not only from the Council but from the Citizens who put him in the care, custody and control of our city.
    He has refused to follow our government processes that were put in place to stop just what he is doing. That being anything he wants to do including illegal decisions.
    He has lied to the media, the auditors, the council, the employees and most importantly the public. He has put the council, the public and his employees in Harms Legal Way.
    He is a fiscal and personal financial disaster!

    Can you hear me now?!

    1. I do Know Now that putting Paul Revere or Martin Luther King in the same sentence with anything related to modern politics ought to be considered something of a disaster! Good gracious!

  6. I hope all of you posting here call your Council Reps before next Tuesday’s meeting to insist they override the Mayor’s two vetos so the Police Dept. can once again be eligible for the Equitable Sharing Grant Program and to protect the citizens from having to pay the money back to the Reserve Fund.

      1. d.cuevas:

        I believe the SlabbedNation has witnessed similar commenters like yourself who are long on the narrative but short on accuracy defending the indefensible politicos who are serving themselves and/or friends/relatives on the government dollar.

        But could you be da’ infamous “worm which has turned….” up here as a commenter? Or are you the mouth part of the administration under attack or maybe even a paid PR blogger?

        Any Slabber know a good worm song/poem to post for the ‘world’s most interesting’ mystery blogger,d. cuevas ,i.e. ‘ da’ worm crawled in da’ worm crawled out’….?

        1. Heyyyy! I’m thinking you really are too ‘locked up’. Sounds like you might need a worming yourself – no doubt you’ll feel a bit less ‘locked up’ as it were. But heck I’ll be happy to take credit as the worm who is turning (or some such as that!). Can you really get paid to be a PR blogger, whatever that is? Sounds promising as a small income. If ya’ll could be just a tiny little bit nicer to me I’d let you in on some information you obviously don’t have as of yet. However I’m not into all this mean spirited stuff, kinda locks me up a bit (something that someone who stays locked up tight should understand!). I think ya ought to try to lighten up a bit, you’ll feel better.

    1. “D” sometimes gets a little feisty. “D” can’t help it, but she does mean well. I mean, well, you know what I mean. My friends call me Deena, but you can call me Dianne. Hope that helps. In the meantime I’m wondering what the Hancock County Alliance for Good Government is going to do when…, well, when….uh, when they find out that, uh…umm, ooh! Whew! Heck, I just can’t say it!! Dang it!! It’ll be a fun time though, you’ll see. Of this I have no doubt!! And where is that Poolman? I’m starting to miss his uplifting comments!!!

      1. my internet thingy got shut off…..the check must have been lost in the mail. Oh, and I’ve been very busy talking to certain people at certain places…. Glad you’ve missed me!

      2. Diane cuevas:

        Diane ?…. Diane? …….Really?….Nice try passing yourself as a female….. Now we know you are a male……..

        For your information Diane the blogger of this website ,Batman, is a self proclaimed paid financial blogger in past times.

        Paid PR bloggers are not rarities … Sure you’re not one Diane? You can crank out more meaningless BS posts to be just a regular commenter.Sure you don’t have any Lesbo genes in you?

        Note: The key to neutralizing a paid PR blogger / Lesbo relative of is for all true intentioned SlabbedNation commenters to ignore every meaningless BS posts of d.cuevas like he and his posts don’t exist!

  7. Well d.cuevas you must be related to Les or live in another state to make such harsh accusations against the Alliance. Since I have been following them and Slabbed, there has been nothing but good and truth come out of this blog. If you don’t like reading it, then don’t. But don’t read continuously and criticize. There must be some interest in it, you keep coming back.
    I don’t know where you have been or what you have read, but the DOJ did find BLS in violation of multiple offenses. Now the council wants to clean it up and Les Vetoes their motions and votes.
    I know you don’t live in BSL because you would know the Mayor has not paid the money he collected on our water bills for years to the proper authority and had to go out and get a loan. Which now we the people living here with water bills are paying an additional 13.00 a month for the debt service, which we learned last week is not being put aside in the proper account to pay the Bank. Wake up d.cuevas if this is not incompetent leadership please help me here. He also didn’t pay health payments for the employees, spent the police forfeiture money now police can’t get fuel to drive the police cars to protect and serve our citizens.
    Please go back to where you came from…
    The Alliance does nothing but good for us. And maybe Waveland has problem, but the mayor has not misspent any of their money.

  8. d. is a misinformed and otherwise a Les Legionnaire! She can sit out in the court room and cheer him on. Ultimately he is going to answer to the law and the public. The case is mounting. The AG offices as well as the DOJ and the OSA are now involved. They are not expending this much talent and resources on BSL without merit! I feel they will get a skin on the wall.

    d. get your popcorn

    1. OK, getting the popcorn ready. I’m sure it’ll be a show, one way or the other! As you point out, with the merit & talent from these various agencies digging and plowing through the books something surely will come to light. Like flipping a switch I imagine. Time will tell whose skin makes it to the wall. Let’s all hurry up and wait!

  9. Maybe the DOJ needs to investigate the individual Council members if they give in to Les on Tuesday. They voted on one motion and if he vetoes, then they need to stand up and veto his veto. Can’t Wait until Tuesday. Popcorn, we’ll need coffee too!! May be a long night….

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