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  1. I’m surprised that you haven’t posted anything on our “new” inland port shipyard in Gulfport Doug!!!! Please give your opinion on this one. I wonder if this has anything to do with the REAL port not being able to produce the jobs it promised to the Feds??? And now this new shipyard is being touted as an inland port so it can be tied in to the big port to cover those job production numbers???? What do you think??? It is my opinion that F@t@$$ is puppetting Philly big time – in an effort to keep his fat ass and his boy chum Puhl@$$-o out of deep sh&t!!! I wonder if all of those with their hands held out when F@t@$$ was passing out the money will be there when he goes down or will they turn their backs on him and run???? Run Rats, run!!! OR Follow your leader!!!

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