Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: After Iowa

Published on Feb 3, 2016

If HILLARY CLINTON is going to be President, she needs the election moved up by six months. Her supporters aren’t getting any younger. In Iowa, Bernie Sanders beat the bejesus out of her with people under 44 and in the under-30 segment, Sanders beat her by six to one. Seriously. The closer people got to Medicare and assisted living, the better Hillary did with them. In Hillary’s favor, it’s clear that she’s had a major upgrade in hairstyling and wardrobe since cashing some of those $200,000 Goldman Sachs speaking fee checks.

BERNIE SANDERS is a revolutionary. He makes no bones about it. He doesn’t speak with the schooled oratorical gestures of a Ted Cruz or the sappy sing-a-long crap of Marco Rubio. He gets up in front of an audience in his rumpled suit and quirky gestures and speaks from the gut about the “disgusting greed” of the ultra-wealthy. He’s a Brooklyn-born Jew with an Irish Catholic wife who delivers a message of social justice far more Christian than the so-called “Christians” on the right who start their rallies with prayers and are most enthusiastic when talking about the death penalty or carpet bombing. As of right now, Bernie is on fire. The question for him is, can he continue to bring the heat and expand the electorate. It’s not out of the question.

DONALD TRUMP is a self-proclaimed “winner” with “unbelievable polls … leading everywhere”. He likes to throw punches and treat his opponents with dismissive contempt. Now that he’s a loser, at least in Iowa, we’ll see if he really wants to be President of the United States. More than anybody in either party, Trump’s campaign has been about the Cult of Personality … Trump as Winner. He’s bleeding now, and that gives a street-fighter like Chris Christie, who has to show well in New Hampshire, an opportunity to see how Mr. Trump reacts when he is the punchee rather than the puncher. Trump has had major setbacks in his business career and overcome them to come back stronger. He was younger then. It’s entirely possible that the air will come out of the Trump presidential balloon in a New York minute.

TED CRUZ is an interesting piece of work. There’s no question that he’s smart. Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, who knew Cruz when Cruz was in law school, says his mind is top-rate. He’s also good (like a game show host) before a crowd. He can quote Scripture like those fundamentalist preachers that have hairdos that look like bird nests. Plus, he’s crafty … Nixon-class crafty … and a hard worker. Continue Reading………

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