From the Slabbed technology team

Around 4 PM yesterday, was subject to a mass denial of service attack the details of which I will not disclose beyond the obvious that the website was effectively down for a bit over 24 hours. This afternoon some of the brightest computing minds in the Magnolia state gave Slabbed New Media a much needed assist and shut down the avenue of attack. We also optimized the website for max performance just for the heck of it.

I’ll have some thoughts on Tuesday’s City Council meeting plus we had some happenings over in Jackson County that needs some attention.

Speaking of the City Council meeting it was nice to meet a few of you in the flesh and I appreciated all of the very kind words.

7 thoughts on “From the Slabbed technology team”

  1. Glad to see all is repaired and back on the web. I am a daily junkie to read your site to get the best accurate information about what is happening in LA and MS.
    Keep up the good work..
    Waiting for all of the comments on Tuesdays Meeting..

  2. The last meeting was just about as good as it gets. Les is now being treated as a perp. Well deserved. Raff gave bogus legal opinion to the council president to get les in the closed session. This will unravel on its own. Hopefully they will have had enough of Raff to put him to pasture. We will see if he will represent Les with out the Tax Payers check book. LOL

  3. Paying Attention, that time for Rafferty to come to his demise and Les can not come soon enough. I would think the people of BSL are done with their foolishness, lies, fraud and all the other actions they have taken.

  4. Does anyone know if there is any truth to what we are hearing this morning–
    The Mayor is going to veto
    The Council’s action to revoke his bond??
    Why not just put that Council in their place by coming forth with the evidence to
    prove you have done nothing wrong.
    The auditor from New Orleans who reported the DOJ report Tuesday did the Mayor and his two former Clerk’s no favors when she said:
    The accounting appeared to be done differently in 2007.
    In 2009 a pooling of cash was set up.
    The money appears to be in the accounting system, but not in the city’s accounts.

  5. Hizzoner has vetoed the Bond Claim. He also vetoed the the DOJ investigation. Both were voted on 7-0 by the Council. He is grabbing delays. It appears the Counselor stalled long enough for him to veto. I would suspect the next move would be to have Les get his own counsel and the Council hire their counsel so that our acting City Attorney cannot intervene or just put him to the curb!

  6. The next move is a 7-0 Clownsil vote on the recall of LesBo which even if he vetoes said vote the recall will continue on and after required voter signatures the Governator has to appoint a tribunal to hear the evidentiary hearing to kick LesBo out on the street.

    LesBo better rent da’ 2 Ton U Haul truck wit power lift gate fo’ his midnight ride/escape wit incrimidating papers. Zoom Zoom

    1. Lesbo?! Zooming what?

      It’s several hours past happy hour and I’m drinkin just one more and stopped in at Slabbed to check out what up and now people are looking at me all funny cause they tell me that that beer was foamin when it just came outta my nose! It’s pretty much your fault posting this funny stuff again. I thought this place was sposed to be all serious most of the time? It was good beer too!

      Then I thought of Phildo Bryant and Tater Reeves and Stacey Stickering loading up the RV and riding on down to BSL to straighten things out and them bitchslappin each other over who got to ride shotgun and who had to make the beds in back and sheeeet! They’re telling me it was foaming as it came out my nose the second time too! Now I’ve been last called and told to go home.

      Least ways they didn’t tell me I had to ride the trolley home. That would kinda sucked.

      First one to sight the brASS Hats in town tweet it out! Shouldn’t be much longer now knowing how they all are about publicizing arrests.

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