Bay City Council meeting agenda released

And it is headlined by Becky Hammond, CPA. Ms. Hammond will be presenting the DoJ report to the Council.

And I have this from Facebook:

Tomorrow evening at 5:30 pm the Bay St. Louis City Council will hold their regular meeting at the Council Chambers behind the Shell Station on Main St.

The most important item on the Agenda is the report from the Department of Justice regarding the some $300,000 in Drug Forefieture Funds that the DOJ has deemed misappropriated and have issued to the city an immediate demand for repayment.

The Mayor made an attempt 2 weeks ago to transfer funds from the General Fund to the DOJ account without authorization from the Council. The Council overrode that action and made him replace the money to the General Fund.

Tomorrow the Council must rule on how this repayment will be handled.

The Hancock County Alliance for Good Government has expressed to Council that the bonds of the Mayor and those who handled this DOJ fund should be revoked to meet this repayment demand and public funds should NOT be used to remedy this misappropriation.

Additionally, after reasearch, we can find no statutory authority to use public funds for this repayment demand.

It is our position the taxpayers did not misappropriate these funds, the public has provided through their tax dollars a bond for those involved and that should be the remedy for the repayment.

We urge the citizens of Bay St. Louis to attend this meeting tomorrow evening and to call your Council representatives.

Lana Noonan, Chairman
Ron Thorp, Co Chair
Hancock County Alliance for Good Government

12 thoughts on “Bay City Council meeting agenda released”

  1. This has been a long time coming. Les and the Counselor can no longer thumb their noses at us. It is our time to smile and look at them as delusional.

  2. This is better than the picture show opening back up in Waveland. I’m coming early & parking next to Rafferty.

  3. It is about time. I just hope the Council does the right and best thing for BSL. Do not use General Fund or Reserve fund. If you don’t use the Bond Money then he will just turn around and do something else and not care. You can’t keep bailing him out. Can’t wait for the meeting. My checkbook is ready if the Council does not vote and solve the mess the legal way. I’ll contribute to any law suit.

  4. Let’s see if we can make this really simple for the Council tonight when they deliberate how this demand for repayment from the Department of Justice will be remedied.
    First of all, I would strongly recommend they use the process of elimination. Push aside any temptation to charge this repayment to anyone who DID NOT do it.
    At the top of that list is the taxpayers. For goodness sake, the vast majority of them didn’t even know it was going on and a lot still don’t.
    So, no public money used to remedy this misappropriation. The folks did not do this and NONE of their city funds should even be considered as a method of payback.
    After all, you don’t want to look out at that audience tonight and tell the folks that put your signs in their yards, fried fish for you at fund raisers, made phone calls, wrote checks, etc. to get you where you will be sitting tonight that they are going to pick up the tab for this! Not a good move, trust me.
    Then you can move on down the list to those who assumed all authority over this money without consulting you and put you on this hot seat tonight like they have on many other occasions in the last 7 years.
    Since most of you are long standing incumbents on this Council, we’ll just have to trust you to do what you know is the right thing.
    Remember, it’s not enough to just know the right thing to do, you have to act on it.
    But, don’t stick to the ones who had absolutely no part in it–the taxpayers.

  5. Brothers and sisters , the time has come for each and every one of you to decide whether you are going to be the problem or you are going to be the solution!

    You must choose , brothers , you must choose.

    It takes five seconds , five seconds of decision , five seconds to realize your purpose here on the planet…

    Brother J. C. Crawford

  6. Les is getting a dose of reality! Raff is soon to get his dose! That Crawford lady was also told to shut up or leave. She says she is gona sue! That is laughable!

    Ole Sue Crawford is her name
    she ran for office but she had no game
    she is gona sue the council but
    it will come out the same
    she should be quite and face her shame
    Ole Sue Crawford is her Name

  7. Correction!

    Les is getting a dose of reality! Raff is soon to get his dose! That Crawford lady was also told to shut up or leave. She says she is gona sue! That is laughable!

    Ole Sue Coleman is her name
    she ran for office but she had no game
    she is gona sue the council but
    it will come out the same
    she should be quite and face her shame
    Ole Sue Coleman is her Name

  8. I can tell you its all (expletive), and its getting ready to roost…. Yes it is Les!!!!
    You may need some soap on a rope…..while your roosting at the big house.
    I’m still a dumbfounded that Les and the Raf said they had the legal right to enter a closed session of the city council. Raf has no contract to work for the city, so who’s attorney is he? With no contract how can he do legal work, or be the court jester??????? Sounds like more questions need to be sent up to the Hoods. Was it ethical or legal?

    1. He is not going to be a Rooster he is going to be a hen. I guarantee he wont be pitching, he will do all the catching! The counselor will be looking for the eggs!

  9. The last meeting was just about as good as it gets. Les is now being treated as a perp. Well deserved. Raff gave bogus legal opinion to the council president to get les in the closed session. This will unravel on its own. Hopefully they will have had enough of Raff to put him to pasture. We will see if he will represent Les with out the Tax Payers check book.
    The Counselor and Les have made a side show out of the city. 1 Mil of our taxes have gone to the Counselor. What has the City got for it….poor advice to the Council, terrible advice to the Mayor and down right atrocious outcome for the Citizens. Clown to the Left and joker to Right have done all they can to benefit themselves at the Tax Payers Expense! Out with the old in with The New!

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