Bay City Council meeting agenda released

And it is headlined by Becky Hammond, CPA. Ms. Hammond will be presenting the DoJ report to the Council.

And I have this from Facebook:

Tomorrow evening at 5:30 pm the Bay St. Louis City Council will hold their regular meeting at the Council Chambers behind the Shell Station on Main St.

The most important item on the Agenda is the report from the Department of Justice regarding the some $300,000 in Drug Forefieture Funds that the DOJ has deemed misappropriated and have issued to the city an immediate demand for repayment.

The Mayor made an attempt 2 weeks ago to transfer funds from the General Fund to the DOJ account without authorization from the Council. The Council overrode that action and made him replace the money to the General Fund.

Tomorrow the Council must rule on how this repayment will be handled. Continue reading “Bay City Council meeting agenda released”