Tuesday evening promises a full house…..

And with Sam Atkinson of the Office of the State Auditor Performance Audit Division rumored to be in attendance, Tuesday’s Bay St Louis City council meeting promises to be quite the spectacle. I’m certain everyone attending will be on their best behavior (or not).

Reading the tea leaves locally there is an incredible amount of heat being applied to the City’s elected officials by concerned citizens regarding the DoJ report. Everyone on the City’s email list should get a sneak peek at the meeting when the preliminary agenda is released sometime this afternoon.

Stay tuned.

11 thoughts on “Tuesday evening promises a full house…..”

  1. You know, Doug, there is an old adage that applies perfectly to this situation in the Bay:
    We can all deny and avoid reality for a long time, but eventually it will confront us!

  2. Lana and Doug,
    This is the exact reason we pay the Bonds. They cover a variety of malfeasance and theft issues.

    We don’t Bond them just because it is the law, the law knows we need to be protected from politicians.

    Usually you will find Elected Officials do not have these problems it is the ones that become politico’s that do.

  3. It is called lacking in integrity and being self serving. And it is at epidemic proportions within our government.

  4. The Shorewood,Illinois MAGNOLIA GROUP,now that their Bay Tech suit has been settled, is going back to court and suing the”Friends of Alice Moseley Foundation” a 501c-3 non-profit dedicated to supporting tourism and doing good works in the city of Bay St. Louis. The Magnolia Group has not paid property taxes on the 2 lots between the Buttercup Cafe and the school administration building since 2010 and in 2015, I paid the taxes and obtained a tax title to those lots. I later donated the 2 lots to the nonprofit as part of my estate planning and am attempting to provide funding for the long-term benefit of the “Friends” organization. I would appreciate any information that anyone might have as to why the Magnolia group, an Llc owned by 2 Illinois real estate attorneys would benefit from purposely not paying their taxes when due, and then, going to court after settlement of their prior lawsuit and suing our nonprofit and trying to use a technicality to reacquire this property. Any help anyone can give me will mean a lot to me and to the city in the years to come and any and all funds will be used to do good works in the Bay and to honor in memory of my mom, Alice Moseley.

    1. I really don’t see where your comment is part of this discussion to this article. Your issue is totally irrelevant to what is happening in BSL. You have a personal problem.
      Many people forget to pay their property taxes. I am not taking up for the Illinois guys, but is that how you want to acquire property? Because someone failed to pay taxes you want to scoop up and cry foul… I had heard you were trying to get a value on the property and sell it. It makes me sick when I see people like you. There are many investors that buy tax sales all day long, but then agree to let the original owners redeem their property and make a nice interest percentage on their tax payment paid. Those attorneys are not benefiting from anything. They want the property that they paid for and you as a good citizen should let them redeem it and make your interest on your investment. They are the ones that were dooped here in BSL when local citizens purchased their property and not disclosing who was really buying it for a low amount and flipped it to the School Board for a profit in a short period. How would you feel if you failed to pay for some reason and couldn’t get your back ?

  5. Do ‘t you just love it when the taxpayers attending a public meeting are reminded to be on their ” best behavior”
    While they sit and listen to how their elected officials have ” behaved”
    In the handling of their money!
    This is becoming the land of Topsy Tervy. I’m waiting for Alice to appear!
    Does anyone know when the DOJ payback is due before the daily penalty starts?
    Maybe the city’s theme song as sung by the rabbit could be
    ” I’m Late, I’m Late for a Very Important Date!!”
    Ya gotta laugh to keep from crying.

  6. I can’t wait to see if the Council will do what is in the best interest of BSL. Of course we all know what that is, but will they have the guts to pull the plug on Les and make his bond pay. I will very willing to contribute to a legal fund should some citizens decide to file a lawsuit. I’ll be in attendance.

  7. It’s definitely time for BSL Clownsil to call in Lyin Les’ bond!


    With past experiences with Lyin Les I await to see if his bond is first in effect ( i.e. Oh I forgot to pay the premium) and second if there is a deductible which is higher than $300,000.

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