Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Republican Debate – Things you’ll hear and things you won’t hear

Published on Dec 14, 2015


1. After I take the oath of office, the first call I’ll make will be to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I’ll put our good friend Sheldon Adelson on the phone, and we’ll all have a good laugh about the future of the “peace process”. Hilarious. Also, we’ll have to talk about Ted Cruz’s idea of “carpet bombing and making the desert glow”. I’ll get some ideas on what countries Bibi and Sheldon want to hit.

Be prepared for a pander-fest of the highest (lowest) order on all matters Israel. Marco Rubio’s billionaire backer, Norman Braman, former President of the Miami Jewish Federation, will be in the audience, as will Jewish Republican Coalition Board Members and Billionaires Paul Singer and Sheldon Adelson. When it comes to pandering, nobody can do it better than Marco, also known as the Magnificently Malleable Marco. Trump, to his credit, will probably not join in the pandering. His failure to do so makes the neocons uncomfortable.

2. Our friends don’t trust us and our enemies don’t fear us.

This is a standard line for a candidate whose party does not occupy the White House. It’s perfect for a candidate who has little depth, but wants to appear learned to those who speak “neocon”. Bush will probably use it if it hasn’t been used by the time they get to him, and if he’s still awake. Jeb tires easily … he’s very low-energy.

3. We are at war and our President will not name the enemy.

The President has called the Islamic State what they are … a death cult that is a perversion of Islam. It is stupid for the US to make the war against the Islamic State bigger than it is and give their recruiting efforts a needed boost. The only beneficiaries of making the war seem bigger than it is are Republican candidates for President looking for a point or two bump in their polling. Also, I’m sure it has occurred to Rupert Murdoch that making the clash with the Islamic State bigger is a boon to ratings and readers at FOX, The Wall Street Journal, and the New York Post. We didn’t emphasize the religion of our enemies in World War II. It makes no sense to do so now. Continue Reading……..

15 thoughts on “Other Voices | Wednesdays Wars: Republican Debate – Things you’ll hear and things you won’t hear”

  1. Tom

    I enjoyed the story but I have one particular concern:

    You stated we didn’t emphasize the religion of our enemies in WWII so it makes no sense to do it now.

    WWII and the War on Terrorism are apples and oranges. During WWII we were fighting evil empires certalized in Germany with Italy and Japan supporting the cause. They were entire counties.

    With radical Islam it’s much different. You have radicals spread across the Middle East and across the globe. It just so happens that the Muslim region is the common denominator in this entire factor. This is a fact that is suppressed by political correctness. Now, are all Muslims bad. Certainly not but it just so happens to be a religion that is infested with radicals looking for total domination

    I believe we have reached a point which certainly warrants the use of nuclear weaponry to rectify the situation. Radical Islam is a cancer just like the Nazi Regime and Harry Truman has probably already turned over in his grave.

    Trump 2016

    1. As you have probably observed from prior posts of mine, I do not feel inhibited by political correctness.
      I think calling ISIS a death cult that is a perversion of Islam is accurate. I see nothing to be gained by suggesting that there is something inherently wrong with Islam and thereby assist their recruiting efforts in places like Indonesia where they have, so far, little support.

      Tonight at the debate you will probably hear new terminology like Islamist and Jihadist. That’s what
      Rupert Murdoch’s hacks are pushing. Remember, you will very rarely see or hear anything on a Murdoch owned outlet (FOX, Wall Street Journal, New York Post) that would be displeasing to Benjamin Netanyahu or Sheldon Adelson.

      While you prefer the Curt LeMay nuke ’em option, I prefer the Colin Powell option of “cutting off the head and then killing it.” (I know Powell spoke of “overwhelming force” twenty years ago). Since then
      there have been great strides in our special operations capabilities.

      1. I respect your point of view but I think it’s fair to assume that radical Islam has numerous heads with more still in the incubation stage.

        Fighting radical Islam is a lot like weeding the garden. If you just snip a few weeds here and there without pulling the roots it ends up a total mess before you know it.

        Anyway, do you still agree with your stance about religion in regards to WWII and the current situation?

        1. I don’t think my comparison with WW ll was out of bounds.

          Different situations, yes, but same principle…don’t play into your enemies hands and make the war bigger when its in our (USA) interest to keep it small and ultimately insignificant.

  2. Ugh, this guy again. Noted anti-Semite. I note you didn’t post anything before the Democratic coronation, sorry, “debate”. Nice debate schedule from the DNC chair. Why don’t you comment about her? She’s one o’ them dirty Jews, right? Oh, but she’s a Democrat too? Oh no, the dilemma! Good to know from Hillary we are right where we need to be with regard to Isis. Thank God the UN is on board. Is that what we were waiting for?

    1. Ada:

      I believe dat da’ dirty Jew in all of this Demo BS is the DNC Chairperson,Senator Debo”Rah, Rah” Wasserman? You know wit dat’ eternal curly hair perm.

      But Tom “Terrific” I’m sure knows the exact spelling of dat little jewish girl who is always helping support Clint’s big fat, girdled* lyin’ass fit into her pants suit, all the while Clint cackles in laughter ( duh,no wonder why Bill travels the world over)

      *No offense to women who only wear girdles, don’t lie or have an irritating cackle laugh.

      1. Sorry,
        did I fail to state she also has a face (cheeks and smile) like the trembling rear end of a geriatric jackass wit MS and bilateral protruding hemorrhoids?

        Me tink dat done wrap up me wee comment on Clint’s overwhelming pulchritude for tonite. Goodnite and sweet wet dreams to Bill where ever he’s hiding.

    1. I have heard the capacity is about 15,000 but I don’t think that will be enough either. Hehe.

      I will be there to show my support………my support “To Make America Great Again.” 😉

  3. To Callahan: Sir: Once again you demonstrate your bias and ignorance. I take issue with your statement that, “We didn’t emphasize the religion of our enemies in World War II.” Technically, you may be correct, but that is only because the average “G.I. Joe” in WW II was not nearly as sophisticated as America’s fighting men are today. The first thing you have to understand is that “ISLAM” is not merely a religion; it is a political ideology, committed to re-establishment of the Caliphate of the Ottoman Empire, and the imposition of Sharia Law over the entire world, including Western Civilization, which includes the USA. Yes: Sharia Law and all that comes with it, including murder, rape, arson, confiscation of property, the subjugation of women (who are valued less than GOATS), female circumcision, death to homosexuals, etc., etc. etc. A real “religion of peace” my ass! You obviously don’t know the difference between the Mecca Koran and the Medina Koran, and the fact that “the Koran” also includes the Hadith and the Sirrah, and the fact that Mohammed’s later writings supersede earlier writings under Islamic interpretation. You would be doing yourself a favor to become familiar with the writings about Islam authored by Dr. Bill Warner, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. Did you know that MOZ-SLIMES do not believe in “the Golden Rule”, but only in the imposition of Sharia Law over the world by means of waging violent jihad? Now G.I. Joe in a foxhole in North Africa, Italy or Western Europe, or hitting a beach in the Pacific, in WW II may not have thought about it, but all he knew was that NAZIs and JAPS were EVIL, and were trying to kill him, if he didn’t kill them first, But the Nazis and the Japs were political ideologies with religious overtones, just like MOZ-SLIME Islam today (actually since Mohammed’s founding of Islam in the seventh century). The National Socialists a/k/a Nazis were fanatics, who viewed the Fuhrer as a National Savior and “god”. Witness the Nazi rallies held in Munich and Weimar in the 1920’s, and later in Nuremberg, which attracted hundreds of thousands of followers. This same fanaticism led the entire German Nation to death and destruction, all in the name of “the Fuhrer” and “the Third Reich”, which was the successor to “the First Reich” a/k/a “The Holy Roman Empire”. These Nazi fanatics killed MILLIONS of people before the Allies stopped them cold. And as for the JAPS, their fanaticism was fueled by SHINTOISM, which was “the State religion”, focused on worshiping the Emperor as “a living god”, with undivided loyalty, even unto death. This is what drove the JAPS to mistreat prisoners of war, to fight to the death rather than surrender in every battle, and to fly airplanes into American ships in suicide missions (ie. Kamikaze) as a means of waging warfare (does this sound like Islam?). One of General MacArthur’s first acts after U.S. troops occupied Japan was to OUTLAW Shintoism as “the State religion”. We waged TOTAL WAR against the Nazis and the Japs, and we have to wage total war against the MOZ-SLIMES, if we are going to WIN. Step one is to KEEP THEM THE HELL OUT OF OUR COUNTRY, AND DEPORT ANY ALREADY HERE (which will also involve CLOSING ALL MOSQUES, which serve as “command posts” for the JIHAD which is already being waged against us. Maybe there will be some modicum of “justice”, and the MOZ-SLIMES will come after YOU, first, Callahan. Ashton O’Dwyer.

  4. Arod:

    Bro’ yo need a ride to da’ Coliseum to see our brave gladiator Trump slay the Demo PC jackasses who have already institutionalized our new fascistic government with ‘just a pen and telephone?’

    Gotts to gets yo’ ticket first. Go to www. DonaldJTrump.Must bring I.D.. So dat eliminates green cards,visas or illegals who may attempt to infiltrate and interrupt the sacred , non-PC beatitudes of our savior, DonaldJTrump.

    Seriously, I and the wife are planning to go – you know how to reach me.Thinking we should bring some parody signs to simulate the salty verbiage of our Holy Leader.

    As for your answer to our friend Callahan it ’twas not only magnificent but shows you are up on your religious facts bout Islam which after more attacks to our homeland more Americans will come to realize that these mosques are nothing but breeding grounds for Radical Islamic Terrorists. Only Trump has the guts to win by infiltrating and closing these radical mosques.And the sooner America realizes this the faster we will win this Holy War/World War III.

    1. Locke and Ashton,

      I think you are both are right on target and make great points. For some reason my comments keep getting hung up and they do not post.

      I don’t know if I would go as far as saying that Mosques are breeding grounds for terrorists but statistical odds would probably indicate that Mosques have a good chance of harboring a few radical Islamic supporters within the congregation. Of course this may offend some people but the fact of the matter is that most terrorists in the world just happen to have a Muslim background.

      Its a shame that the “authorities” are looking into the Russian strikes and trying to tag them as war crimes for killing innocent civilians. In war, I hate to see any innocent bi-standards killed but that comes with the territory. I would also like to to point out that I consider most of those “innocent bi-standards” part of the problem because most do not have the balls to stand up and fight. They would rather the US come in and waste lives in hopes of saving theirs.

      I am still an advocate of an atomic strike against Syria. After a few bombs I would be willing to bet Iran would not want to test fire any more of their missiles.

      1. Tom “Terrific”:

        I thought by now you would have mentioned the absolute Jewish, DNC Chairperson’s name ,Debo”rah-rah” Wasserman Shultz , who has PCed all the Demo debates scheduled on every busy evening except Christmas so that Clint will be protected from any opponents’ criticisms on her sexist past comments against the truthful women in Bill’s past, from her Bengazi lies, from her felonious e-mails, from her lifelong accusations of the right wing conspiracies and her current alleged promise to get tough on Wall street /Banks . All the while her daughter is not only married to a hedge fund person but that Chesey has made 6 figure salaries working for same hedge barons and naturally Clint’s major campaign contributions have come from those same robber baron sources.

        The knowledgeable public is again on to Clint’s PC bull crap lies and hypocrisy this second time around ( even though Sanders has been ordered not to mention them) and the Demos better pray every night that there are no more Radical Islamic Terrorist attacks on American soil cause she will lose bad – that is if she doesn’t get first charged with felonious crimes for her e-mail arrogance.

        Tom , you have yourself a wonderful anti- Semetic Christmas (especially when it comes to Debo”rah rah” Wasserman Schultz).

        PS- I am not Jewish but the Bible instructs believers to love, support and defend the lineage of Christ especially in times of a Holy War.

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