It’s getting screwy in Bay St Louie!

Employee BenefitsGate: Never a dull moment here in the Bay (Updated) ~ December 6, 2015 Slabbed New Media

Hizzoner said what??

Bay St. Louis avoids insurance calamity ~ December 8, 2015 WLOX TeeVee

Mayor Les Fillingame admits until this week, nobody at Bay St. Louis City Hall knew the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company canceled that policy.

Fillingame said he first learned employees lost their supplemental insurance coverage about 24 hours ago.

Far as I can tell there is only one place Hizzoner could have learned about this “Calamity” and that would be the website that broke it right here at Slabbed. Slabbed knew about the insurance calamity before it was broke on this website but I shall not disclose specifics in order to protect sourcing. Speaking of that and virtual real time coverage of the happenings at City Hall:

Les just had a departmental meeting. He was red faced and starting the blame game. No, not on who screwed up but who let the public know.

Meantime time that voodoo that we do managed to kick up a ruckus on the east side of the coast yesterday as well:

16 thoughts on “It’s getting screwy in Bay St Louie!”

  1. I asked Les Lie in the meeting how could the Poolman have known about this before YOU!!!!
    His response was “thats a good question”. #1 To whom are the 2 signatures on the check that the agent picked up after the missing check???? Wait LES 2 people signed the next check after the December 1st check…. It appears my source DEEP THROAT and their crystal meth
    ball have a better informant then yours! Or well maybe your just a big LIAR!!!! Did you not sign 2 checks? OK… Tune in to 103.5 FM Fridays for the politically incorrect pool party 5-11pm for the latest BAY scoop, or you will also find it here on SLABBED.ORG as POOLMAN shares all info with slabbed within minutes. Unlike the mainstream media that takes days to find it. Don’t forget to donate to your non profits such as SLABBED…

  2. How about not applying the Dedicated Millage to the right account? $53,000…..where did it go? Violation of another State Law! State Law, Federal and City Law are meaningless to Les Lie! He laughs at the auditors and the DOJ!

    The worst part is, he has the new Clerk joining in with the debauchery! He is not as convincing as Les but with practice and coaching he will get there!

    Obviously Wendy didn’t get to rehearse long enough with Les to get her motion understood…..but after a few head nods from Les she finally got it right!

    There was a guy there with an injured foot….he told me he shoved it up Les’s Butt and didn’t realize that Jerry the Cherry was already up there and he bit his foot hard enough to require a tetanus shot and minor surgical repair! You just never know!

  3. A local beachfront business is going to have Legal Cost fundraiser for Les. He is going to put Les in a dunking booth wearing a speedo and the Tax Payers can throw apples at him for $1 a throw. If they hit him hard enough to make Jerry pop out of him they get 2 free throws!

  4. Bay supplemental insurance lapses

    Mayor Les Fillingame acknowledged the insurance lapse at Tuesday night’s city council meeting, saying a letter of notification that the coverage would be canceled never made it to city hall and must have been β€œlost in the mail.”

    And the beat goes on

    1. rfp:

      Les says ‘….. insurance default notice must have been “lost in the Mail”‘

      No Les, that only happens at Christmas time not in September but you Les are LOST in the MALE.

      If there was one GOPee dat deserved waterboarding to get some truths………..

      1. GOPee?? Isn’t LES a big ole D? I am pretty sure the majority of BSL politicians are Ds, but, I could be wrong; just want to ensure we don’t play the R vs. D game to rationalize corruption; it’s not exclusive to any one party!

  5. Les has us on the front page more than ISIS!

    They terrorize the world and he terrorizes the Bay Saint Louis Tax Payer!

    His next job will be an Aflac salesman.

  6. The Sea Coast Echo is reporting today that the letter was hand delivered to City Hall.
    Let’s find out who delivered it and who received on behalf of the city!
    But not to worry, the good old taxpayers paid the late fee. Hey. Isn’t that what Yall are for up there— to keep on bailing them out?
    The missing utility bill fiasco to the tune of $370k, the DOJ audit now being paid for with Forefiture funds, and now late insurance fees!!!!!!!!!
    It’s A Place (coming) Apart!!$$

  7. You are So Right Lana. Our beautiful City of BSL is being torn apart by the Mayor who knows nothing about running city government. What did he do before?? Video store, grocery store?? This isn’t like that childs game Making Groceries. This is real life and he had totally messed it up. And the Downtown Merchants are still complaining about the Trolley. When you have a Mayor along with Wendy and Bobby and Doug how can this city move forward. Doug has been there the longest, how long has his head been in the Sand? And he wants to run for Mayor.. Somebody please help us

  8. Breaking News—Remember you heard it here first! The New City Clerk has resigned! Dishonesty being a big issue!

      1. Hehe! Tag ’em and bag ’em Dano. Slabbed has confirmed Bay St Louis City Clerk Robert Clark has resigned.

  9. It is time for the citizens to publicly ask the Mayor to step down. His problems are many and they bleed over to the tax payers. We are paying enormous costs for all the investigations. He increases the cost because he has us paying his inside legal defense and creating obstacles and time delays in the process.



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