Depending on the perspective either good news or bad news…..

I guess I need to make another list as Slabbed turns 8 years old. First on my list and already checked off was a crash course on 17 USC 512(f). Many other items remain unchecked including the Singing River Disaster and a couple or two or three ongoing federal criminal investigations here in Mississippi. Meanwhile how about a trip down memory lane?

Screen Cap of July 2, 2014 post. Click to navigate to the post.
Screen Cap of July 2, 2014 post. Click to navigate to the post.

As we rush to the holidays and close out 2015, the Chinese Year of the Goat, I wish to thank you for being in that number.

14 thoughts on “Depending on the perspective either good news or bad news…..”

  1. Mayor Fillingame was visibly upset that the Alliance for Good Government and Slabbed News Media had obtained a copy of the cancellation letter from Lincoln Financial Group terminating Life, Disability, and Dental benefits for his employees due to non payment of premiums on the part of the city. The employees continued to have the deductions withdrawn from their paychecks.
    BUT, he was not at all upset that this information had been withheld from the Council for 18 days.
    Thank goodness in the midst of this clandestine approach to fiscal management, there is still ” someone” in City Hall who realizes the importance of performing their duties on the right side of the law.

  2. Happy Birthday Slabbed.This blog has been my favorite read for several years and is better in the morning than extra strong Luzianne Coffee straight up. You have worked so hard to keep the public informed. Please keep up the great work. I suggest you have a post that allows for all to suggest what they think needs to be uncovered or covered in the 9th year.I am going to refine mine and try to reduce the number to the 10 most wanted from the 100+ crooked people in various positions that we know are out there trying to get their hands on the public’s money in so many ways.

  3. RFP prescient. :mrgreen:

    I’m looking forward to another year and the wild and whacky adventures it is sure to bring. My thanks to you all.

    1. It’s been a wild ride, especially this year.

      It seems like there are lots of loose ends and threads still hanging here and there amidst the schemes and backdoor deals. Then too, the unknown unknowns.

      There are so many crooks and miscreants in positions of power, and for some reason the people with the power to prosecute their donors and friends are reluctant to do so. Meantime the penny ante offenders are regularly caught and hammered by the long arm of John Law. If you are a patron or operator of something like the JJ Spa there is always a happy ending. I wonder if the JJ Spa or the 777 Spa landlord got all the rent money and at the market rate? That would probably also be called a happy ending by some too even if you have to hot mop with disinfectant and find a new tenant… On the other hand, it seems like the taxpayers and other victims (such as the SRHS employees and retirees) are always left with the short end.

  4. Doug, I hope that slabbed has been as fulfilling to you as it has been to all of the poor taxpayers that you try to help on a daily basis. Happy Birthday and thanks for all that you do to expose the fleecing of the middle class and poor, by the rich and unethical. And you do this with little, to no pay! (Everybody please remember to stuff Doug’s Christmas stocking with some much needed $$).
    I hope that you will continue to do what you do and continue exposing the immoral crooks in power in this State. Even if our Rat from the State Auditor’s office does not follow up on these fleecings, hopefully, this too will pass and all will get what they have sown. Exposing them for who they really are is the important thing.
    Again, please accept my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for what you do. Someone has to have some balls down here to report the truth, and I am proud to say that you are not a sell out and can not be bought. Hope you have a merry Christmas and happy holidays Doug!! 🙂

  5. Holy “See no Evil, Hear no Evil but Speak Evil” Bananas, Batman

    Looking forward to the new Chinese New Year of 2016…. starting February 8th- one day after a cold Mardi Gras….

    Its the year of the “Fire Monkey”….. and coincidently the final year of the greatest PC president of America ( which shall be “Great Again”)…….The PC Police say it bees insulting to end text /blog in a period….

    What you ask is a Fire Monkey?- Its done bees a monkey that needs to be fired…. He,he,he…..

    What say you Ashton ?…..

  6. Happy Birthday and congratulations on 8 years of success with your blog. Unfortunately there is so much more work to be done.Seems like people in high places keep trying to see how low they can go. I can’t wait for the a list of subjects that will be pursued in the year of the Fire Monkey. The Korean connection to Strickland will be front page news as it all unfolds. Chris Epps involvement in the new Jackson County jail is another subject that is sure to surface as more indictments are rolled out. The Bay will probably implode financially creating hours of needed reporting. At the same time more and more subjects surface to dig deeper into.So many crooks and so little time. Thanks for the blog,you are the best.

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