ICYMI: Connecting some dots over in Jackson County

From a big picture standpoint the gang at SRHS sure was scared of Chancellor Harris and he was recused. It is beginning to look like the good ol’ boys now have just the state court setup they like. I’m still scratching my head on how a $6 million dollar legal bill can happen in a garden variety ERISA breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit but I’ll tackle that in another post.

And as if it were right on cue, enter the fools to the left…..

Sweet serendipity….


What I can share is that in my eight years of publishing Slabbed there are some forms of ignorance that are beyond a cure, especially ignorance born of arrogance. Sadly, there is no cure but the symptoms to this condition can still be treated. Continue reading “And as if it were right on cue, enter the fools to the left…..”