Pssst, the secret is in a low bounce…..

Vital background here and here. The key lies in the content and comments, however “unlikely” that may seem. Thank you for being in that number.

Chart via the Rocket Blog
Chart via the Rocket Blog. Solid line represents Bounce Rate for W/E 11-5-15

One thought on “Pssst, the secret is in a low bounce…..”

  1. Got this just before lunch, so just have a minute. We (and I am sure that I speak for us all who read slabbed), are so very proud for you Doug!!!
    It is my opinion, that since (and even before) the Sun Herald abandoned the Taxpayers after the DMR scandal, you have been a shinning beacon to the Coast and her Taxpayers. You receive little, to no pay, even less recognition; yet, you keep on with your mission. You are appreciated by many, even if sometimes you think you are all alone.
    Thank you. for all you do to spread the word about political and white collar corruption especially. Thank you for your hard work and the good that you do with this site. You are our own personal “knight in shinning armour”, and we have grown to depend on you more each day. Please keep up the good work!
    Hi ho, hi ho, gotta eat – so it’s back to work I go!!!!

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