The SRHS Hopes Retiree Group turns 1 today

And the Singing River Disaster drags on as well. I will absolutely having something on the proposed settlement, which I have concluded is woefully insufficient, as soon as I can devote the time to writing the post but in wishing the SRHS Hopes folks a happy first anniversary I’d like to point out something that maybe reveals something about Slabbed and its readers.

When we began covering the wind-water litigation almost 8 years ago we zeroed in on two brave young women that were whistle blowers against an insurance giant in Cori and Keri Rigsby. As time passed we’d cover more such people that had the right combination of moxie, resolve and clarity of character which came together with the moment. In 2010 Slabbed would feature the story another such person in Anne Vandenweghe. As I look back through all the high quality associations between this blog and local Citizens trying to make wrongs right, we’ve featured is an impressive list of people like the late Margie Seemann, Anne Vandeweghe, Heather Hilliard, Cori and Keri Rigsby, Lana Noonan and SRHS Hopes with folks like Trudy Nelson, Kitty Aguilar along with Grandpa Grim and the ordinary folks doing extraordinary things like those retirees that have manned a picket line for close to a year. While I may be a man writing for this website, in so many ways Slabbed has had a distinctly feminine narrative through time. My own opinion is that we as a community are better off for it.

Happy birthday to the retirees in SRHS Hopes.