Pop tart hoe de ho ho takes back ho hoppin’ hubby, a Slabbed pop culture moment

I don’t know why West Coast trash so dominates the news of late but it is what it is folks so in a made for TeeVee moment:

And Caitlyn Jenner is no hero.

One thought on “Pop tart hoe de ho ho takes back ho hoppin’ hubby, a Slabbed pop culture moment”

  1. This country would be a lot better off morally if California just dropped into the Pacific but better than that within 50 years it will be claimed and reoccupied as the providence of Mexico that was stolen from Mexico after the Alamo.

    After reoccupation and annexation of California the Republicans will again have a chance to elect a Republican president especially after Mayor Big Bird of New York recreates another criminal haven /capital in the Big Apple.

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