Sad to say I’m not very surprised that this Lake George deal

Is just another way certain local political Bubbas can belly up to the taxpayer trough:

Jackson County supervisor says he co-owns land in Lake George area ~ Karen Nelson

Cumbest told the Sun Herald he is part-owner with his family of 40 acres in George County that likely will go under water if the lakes are built. He also is part owner with his family of 200 acres in Jackson County near where the dam is proposed for the lower lake, he said. The 200 acres in Jackson County is undeveloped and without roads, he said. The 40 acres in George County are on a road, he said.

Cumbest has been the point man on this project for the supervisors, and last year went to Washington with George County representatives to seek funding for Lake George.

A chip off the ol’ block? The word Brazen comes to mind here.

Locals in Wiggins still tell stories about the politically connected land swindles that preceded Pat Harrison’s Flint Creek water park back in the day. Lake George appears to be a 21st century replay.

3 thoughts on “Sad to say I’m not very surprised that this Lake George deal”

  1. It is my opinion that ALL of our current elected politicians (State and Federal), have gotten too big for their britches. They need a wake-up call and all should be tossed out and replaced; lest they remember who they work for – and that is us, the people!!!
    When they take over these positions, they take an oath to serve the people and uphold the constitution; yet, I think they think they swear to steal, rob, pillage, drink and fornicate on a regular basis. Vote them all out!!!! Or impeach them for conflict of interest.

  2. People keep voting for cumbest. Why? He wants to profit from this deal. Anyone surprised?This is the norm for these people. Someone had a thread about their storied past including Lassiters, felons, Mrs. Cumbest working at SRHS, and land deals. Can we see this thread again?

  3. We can only hope the feds take a second look at Troy Ross and Barry Cumbest! Our DA and State Attorney General don’t seem to have the time or know how. Who are they protecting?

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